[Archive! - page 431


I'm awake as it is, almost.

What, is Armageddon coming next year? Well, everyone knows that.

If you don't sleep for more than a month, you'll die.(( And I'll cry.

But ! The worst part is that you'll never see THIS on the 5th forum.

Go back to sleep.


I know how to get an answer!


I know how to get an answer!

Why rosin?

Go to sleep .

I know how to get an answer!

The post is a disguised advertisement for soldering irons and should be deleted.

OK, pick your answer choices:

1. Something will be interesting with the 5th forum.

2. Something interesting will happen with the MT5 platform.

3. There's not going to be anything interesting and I made a cruel joke. I've made some pretty sick jokes about them.


OK, pick your answer choices:

1. Something will be interesting with the 5th forum.

2. Something interesting will happen with the MT5 platform.

3. There's not going to be anything interesting and I made a cruel joke. I've made some pretty sick jokes about them.

1 and 2 at the same time, that's all, I'll say no more.

1 and 2 at the same time, that's it, that's all I'm saying.

Looks like you've decided to get a bit of a fancy one, eh, buy a forum and a platform?
Or vice versa )

Looks like you've decided to get a bit of a fancy one, eh, buy a forum and a platform?

I won't say anything.