[Archive! - page 425

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I can only assume that they are afraid to let you in ;)

It's working fine for me.


I can only assume that they are afraid to let you in ;)

I've got everything opening perfectly.

It opened, the server must have been overloaded. The interactive map is much more informative and visual.
It opened, the server must have been overloaded. The interactive map is much more informative and clearer.

You're missing the point as usual.

That's it, I'm done.



Mishek, isn't it funny to you? The State Department pays with a straight face. These guys pay to organize.

Why are you surprised by these guys? The state department doesn't.

Do you work for the state department?

What's the headline? "The Truth About." That's bullshit, not truth. It's propaganda.


Bear, don't you think it's funny? The State Department pays with a straight face. These guys pay to organize.

Why are you surprised by these guys? The state department doesn't.

Do you work for the state department?

What's the headline? "The Truth About." That's bullshit, not truth. It's propaganda.

I work for the state department, I'm an American spy, I'm an employee of all the dealerships and methaquot as well.

I'll die, I'll burn in hell, what a bastard.


Mishek, isn't it funny to you? The State Department pays with a straight face. These pay to organize.

Why are you surprised by these guys? The state department doesn't.

Do you work for the state department?

What's the headline? "The Truth About." That's bullshit, not truth. It's propaganda.

Okay, I give up. I actually work for the state department. I was recruited when I was doing item six on the tester's schedule. Tell me how you figured me out.

All right, I give up. I actually work for the state department. I was recruited when I was doing number six on the tester's schedule. Tell me how you figured me out.

Well, he told us himself that he works there in the A.S.U. as a payroll administrator.

I remember when he used to talk to us about islands and his enormous profits, but now he's so loud!

He should marry Swetten and let her drink his brain!

There. That's what I was afraid of. It means he found me in the database by my avatar.
There. That's what I was afraid of. It means he found me in the database by my avatar.

Careful with your avatar!

I, for example, had my eyes, nose, mouth and ears removed.