[Archive! - page 334


I'll give you some advice - watch TV once in a while. Especially the news. Especially foreign policy news. There's wars, there's barricades, the perennial rebels have fucked someone up again... Bullshit? I don't think so. You want that in your Peter? I'm not sure. I bet you want a sure thing in the future for Mishka Junior, and you don't mind making a daughter. ;) (maternity capital is also a nice way to earn money)

What's my point? We drive foreign cars here, eat our fill and raise our kids. We have forgotten about the queues and sausages are no longer a delicacy. But we don't give a shit about the ruling party. You should be fucking happy with what you have today and do not forget to remember at least the 90s.

A false thesis that justifies everything and implicitly legitimises any liberal tyranny. Hitler even passes these criteria. That was stability.
In reality, the people who have come to power and whose aim is personal enrichment and satisfaction of their PTU-Napoleonic complexes, smear accessible sausage on the lips of the people, so that they keep quiet.
It is possible to put them in their place without revolutions. Quietly and peacefully cut off channels of expenditure of corrupt officials and send them to retire.
It is already a shame to live when you are alternately wiped off your feet by an inept lawyer and an arrogant "kid" who fancies himself irreplaceable.

I'll give you some advice - watch TV once in a while. Especially the news. Especially foreign policy news. There's wars, there's barricades, the perennial rebels have fucked someone up again... Bullshit? I don't think so. You want that in your Peter? I'm not sure. I bet you want a sure thing in the future for Mishka Junior, and you'd like a daughter too. ;) (maternity capital is also a nice way to earn money)

What's my point? We drive foreign cars here, eat our fill and raise our kids. We have forgotten about the queues and sausages are no longer a delicacy. But we don't give a shit about the ruling party. Just be fucking happy with what you have today and do not forget to remember at least the 90s.

In '53 the whole country was crying over Stalin's coffin. In '82, after "losing" Brezhnev, everyone was paralyzed by the question: How can we live without the leader?

If we are living relatively well, it is certainly not thanks to him, but in spite of him.

Russia has never had as much money as it has now. Meanwhile industry, science etc. are shriveling up. Why?

Petro-dollars - who is better off with them in Russia?


I'll give you some advice - watch TV once in a while. Especially the news. Especially foreign policy news. There's wars, there's barricades, the perennial rebels have fucked someone up again... Bullshit? I don't think so. You want that in your Peter? I'm not sure. I bet you want a sure thing in the future of Mishka Junior, and you'd like a daughter. ;) (maternity capital is also a nice way to earn money)

What's my point? We drive foreign cars here, eat our own food and raise our kids. We have forgotten about the queues and sausages are no longer a delicacy. But we don't give a shit about the ruling party. Just be fucking happy with what you have today and do not forget to remember at least the 90s.

I recognise the United Russia arguments.

Excuse me, do you have children? If yes, how many? I have three. Don't give me that bullshit about maternity capital being a "nice way to make money".

Have you dealt with medicine long ago? What about education? This is what it is all about...fucked up.

The government has once again walked away from the problems of the country and the people. Now some kind of agony, everything will end badly. But nothing, this is probably the way of Russia.


... Nothing to talk about.
Well, finally.

I'll give you some advice - watch TV once in a while. Especially the news. Especially foreign policy news. There's wars, there's barricades, the perennial rebels have fucked someone up again... Bullshit? I don't think so. You want that in your Peter? I'm not sure. I bet you want a sure thing in the future for Mishka Junior, and you'd like a daughter too. ;) (maternity capital is also a nice way to earn money)

What's my point? We drive foreign cars here, eat our fill and raise our kids. We have forgotten about the queues and sausages are no longer a delicacy. But we don't give a shit about the ruling party. Just be fucking happy with what you have today and do not forget to remember at least the 90s.

Especially these :

Golden children of Russia
How the sons and daughters of bureaucrats got along in this life http://www.kommersant.ru/doc/1596665?themeid=1405

Secret housewives
July 24, 2010 / Viewers: 742 / Part: Economics

"Vedomosti has decided to focus on the 50 most well-off officials' wives. Finding out not only the occupation, but even the names of wives turned out to be a difficult task: information about the life companions of some government officials is so classified that no outsider can not only look at their photos but even get their names. The Federal Security Service and the Foreign Intelligence Service do not publish the incomes of their employees or their family members at all, the study found.


A false thesis that justifies everything, and implicitly legitimises any liberal tyranny. Hitler even passes those criteria. That was stability.
In reality, the people who have come to power and whose aim is personal enrichment and satisfaction of their PTU-Napoleonic complexes, smear accessible sausage on the lips of the people, so that they keep silent.
It is possible to put them in their place without revolutions. Quietly and peacefully cut off channels of expenditure of corrupt officials and send them to retire.
It is already a shame to live when you are alternately wiped off your feet by an inept lawyer and an arrogant "kid" who fancies himself irreplaceable.

It gets worse. It's too late " Quietly and peacefully cut off the channels of expenditure of the corrupt and send them to retirement. "

Nah, I'm not suggesting NOT PEACE, God forbid. The government is completely in line with the average voter. The process cannot be stopped, but at least it can still be slowed down somehow.

... Russia has never had as much money as it has now. And industry, science and so on are all going downhill.

Petrodollars - who is better off with them in Russia?

You are all lying. There is no way that with so much money at $100 per barrel and production as in the whole USSR (at $6) my pension would be 2x LESS than that of the Soviet Union!

Almost 40 years of uninterrupted service, from university and to work, never missing a day. About three years working abroad.
According to the Soviet calculation, it is 132 roubles. The Central Bank gives a conversion factor of about 100 from the Soviet ruble, therefore in today's money 13200. And in Russia I get 7000.

The conclusion is that there isn't enough money in Russia, they don't have enough themselves.

I recognise the unicorns' arguments.

Excuse me, do you have children? If yes, how many? I have three. Don't give me that bullshit about maternity capital being a "nice way to make money".

Have you dealt with medicine long ago? What about education? This is what it is all about...fucked up.

The government has once again walked away from the problems of the country and the people. Now some kind of agony, everything will end badly. But nothing, this is probably the way of Russia.

I have two almost adult sons: 15 and 17. I worked in a specialist children's clinical infectious diseases hospital as an equipment engineer for a year, and I know a little of this kitchen from the inside. (I even had to use a half-assembled X-ray machine in lead pants, shoe covers, a dressing gown and a cap with two paper clips over a girl in intensive care) I have never worked in a school, but studied there for a long time.
Did you say that the authorities have broken away? Do not make me laugh - where are our problems, and where is the power? Percentage of opposition seats in the Duma? Well, well...

You probably intend to trade against the trend here too....

You are all lying. There is no way that with so much money at $100 per barrel and production as in the whole USSR (at $6) my pension would be 2 times less than it was under the Soviet Union!

Almost 40 years of uninterrupted service, from university and to work, never missing a day. About three years working abroad.
According to the Soviet calculation, it is 132 roubles. The Central Bank gives a conversion factor of about 100 from the Soviet ruble, therefore in today's money 13200. And in Russia I get 7000.

The conclusion is that there isn't enough money in Russia, they don't have enough themselves.
++ ))))
You are all lying. There is no way that with so much money at $100 per barrel and production as in the whole USSR (at $6) my pension would be 2 times less than it was under the Soviet Union!

Almost 40 years of uninterrupted service, from university and to work, never missing a day. About three years working abroad.
According to the Soviet accrual, it is 132 roubles. The Central Bank gives a conversion factor of about 100 from the Soviet ruble, therefore in today's money 13200. And in Russia I get 7000.

The conclusion is that there isn't enough money in Russia, they don't have enough themselves.
You have already been written off. There is such a thing as "the age of survivorship". The very name says a lot. Pensioners in our country will never be adequately provided for. Under any government.