[Archive! - page 283

That's all right. Brain meltdown is becoming a worldwide trend.
A Japanese robot has learned how to drink beer and play football

"The robot has learned how to pick up a beer bottle, open it and gently pour the contents into a mug. In addition, ASIMO is now able to kick a football ball."

And it doesn't say anything about 'drinking'. But he's certainly lagging behind ours, who already plays badminton.

Why don't you give us your opinion on the attached content and at least briefly describe what it's about? Yeah, that's how poor we are, even the player won't run. 3 penny (800Mg), 256 RAM, and a terminal and a meta-editor hanging around. 100% CPU load. That's how we work. Ridiculous? >
Why don't you give us your opinion on the attached content and at least briefly describe what it's about? Yeah, that's how poor we are, even the player won't run. 3 penny (800Mg), 256 RAM, and a terminal and a meta-editor hanging around. 100% CPU load. That's how we work. Funny?
No. I used to turn off pictures in my browser. Poor technique stimulates me to search for the best solutions, for example, to send all these clips away.

Planned date of fall is November 26 http://www.n2yo.com/?s=37872 I wonder where to? 7 tons of toxic fuel + the weight of the station itself on the botra

It is a shame that they have been preparing for the first interplanetary expedition for so many years and have failed again, this year will probably go down in history as the most unlucky one for astronautics :(

Why, is it difficult for you to give your opinion on the attached content and at least briefly describe what it's about? Yes, that's the poor us, even the player does not run. 3 penny (800Mg), 256 RAM, and a terminal with a meta-editor hanging around. 100% CPU load. That's how we work. Funny?

Sorry, as they say: "No legs, no jam!"

Anyway, Mishek will wake up and comment :)


Planned date of fall is November 26 https://www.mql4.com/go?http://www.n2yo.com/?s=37872 I wonder where to? 7 tons of toxic fuel + the weight of the station itself on the botra

It is a shame that they have been preparing for the first interplanetary expedition for so many years and have failed again, this year will probably go down in history as the most unlucky one for astronautics :(

But it will be the most successful year for badminton!
No. I used to turn off pictures in my browser. Weak technique stimulates the search for optimal solutions, for example, to send all those clips away.

Well, yes, that's exactly what I do, it's off. I had a slightly cooler laptop, but it was also ancient, so I poured beer on it and it died. The current one I've built from the hardware I have, and I'm trying to get on with it. There are two more machines, but worse, but I'm running on 128 ROM, 600 MHz.

That's not what I meant to say. Maybe everyone is cool, so insert clip, so write a couple of words. But I can't understand anything. Sometimes there's a lot of letters, so it's hard too. You read in a row - didn't understand, diagonally - didn't understand, you'll think, however... I am for text accompaniment of attached content (Mishek, by the way, has very vividly accompanied PapaEzz's post, thanks to him).


Anyway, Mishek will wake up and comment :)
Are you always this acrimonious, or only on Mondays? I, for example, am unemployed, and the current day of the week is always a working day for me. I have noticed a pattern - clients call me more often from Monday to Friday.
Are you always this acrimonious, or only on Mondays?

I'm like a conscience.