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Has anyone come across the one-handed "blind method" printing technique by any chance?
Has anyone come across the one-handed "blind method" printing technique by any chance?

I haven't, but I wonder what the other one will do. // no kidding.
Whatever it is, there will only be enough space for one brush, so the technique either already exists or is bound to appear. I think in "Tomorrow Never Dies" the media tycoon, "planning his black business", is working with just one hand on the keyboard at "this moment".
You don't have to say, well, I didn't really want to. If you use the blind method, you can't do anything useful with your other hand. You won't be able to control it.
But someone knows how to make the "empty-eyes" rotate in the directions they want at any given time, in one direction or in different directions. If I can't do it, someone else can. If "someone" can do it, then there is a possibility of learning. If there is a possibility of learning, they will strive for it. Someone will be lucky. Over time, the "club of the initiated" will only increase.
But someone knows how to make the "empty-eyed" spin.
Who or what are we talking about?
On the division of responsibility functions by the brain. https://www.mql5.com/ru/forum/122477/page6
on the other hand "why not?" - any advanced gamer works with one hand on the keyboard and the other on the mouse, or other devices. not played myself for a long time, but in Q2 - easily controlled both keyboard and mouse.
On the division of responsibility functions by the brain. h ttps://www.mql5.com/ru/forum/122477/page6

This is not interesting . It doesn't get any clearer on the question. If you search, try searching medical forums. The only application may exist for people without one arm.
No, I won't. Right now a ten-finger is enough. And the keyboard, for now, is spacious. :)