[Archive! - page 190

Hello! I have long wanted to understand the basics of information theory, in particular, to apply mutual information statistics to select inputs for a neural network. Here nvv rest in far and deep Europe, took some books on TI, and hooray, managed to calculate the mutual information in a notebook, with a pen myself. It's interesting... In principle, you could now try to select the returns by rank of their informativeness for, say, the next price change sign. But the trick is also to select variables which have no meaningful mutual information between them.
I was replying to Mathemat, if you know what I mean. It's not convenient to write long messages on the phone.

20 years ago, in August '91, many of us imagined "there would be a garden city here". Where have our dreams gone?

Dmitry Bykov's version is presented by Mikhail Yefremov.


Mandate member!


Ahem. The pause, however, has lingered.

Nothing is clear, has Tripoli fallen or is it standing? Stalingrad? The media is ratting on the green square and the blogs are denying it, saying it is staged footage from Qatar, where they set up a platform for the rebels to demonstrate, supposedly celebrating victory in the centre of Tripoli. In fact, NATO special forces and regular Qatari troops are operating there.

Many have probably seen the bravura report by Vesti-24 about the complete victory of the rebels, the arrest of Gaddafi's sons and the NTC's move to Tripoli. Except that the falsity of that report has already been proven by many - let's summarise the evidence.
So, after the extremely biased Vesti.ru report, I carefully read the Libya-specialized comrades putnik1, stalin-ist, maramus, el-murid - as well-established sources of truthful information. Yes, they had mistakes too - for example, about Jibril's escape to Tripoli - but they were mistakes, not elaborate and colourful lies. At the same time, if all was as good as one would like, there would not have been a report on TV about the "great victory of the rebels on the night of August 22".
So, let us briefly summarise all the fakes by the media to expose their lies in this powerful info-attack (about its significance below):

1. so the report said that the rebels controlled 90% of Tripoli in the morning. Now look at the Guardian map for August 22:


It's more than obvious that only the green square is in the hands of the rebels - what 90% are we talking about? Nevertheless, according to other reports, there were no insurgents in the green square at all. Why - point 2:

2. A week ago, there was a lot of talk about the mock-ups of some Tripoli facilities built in Qatar.
(A source at the Libyan embassy claims that "the footage being circulated by Western broadcasters of rebels celebrating victory in the city centre was filmed in a special pavilion that was built in the last month near the Qatari capital Doha." "The pavilion is built almost exactly according to Tripoli's plan, but it is impossible to account for all the destruction from the recent bombing of the city. And it shows," says an embassy worker)
Here's the proof:

Compare the footage from Tripoli with footage of the rats celebrating their victory in the Green Square yesterday.

3. As el-murid noted, due to the incessant NATO bombing in Tripoli, electricity and internet are extremely hard to come by - even informants of our Russian friends take a long time to get in touch. At the same time, the video shows too many people with their mobile phones on. I will quote further:
The total inconsistency between the picture and the live feeds on euronews and other channels is striking. In essence all reporters are saying that they know nothing, they see nothing, there is shooting somewhere, someone said on the phone about crowds of young people with guns. That is all. That is, the correspondents only report about some kind of shooting and NATO planes over Tripoli.

At the same time there is a picture - which is typical - filmed both in the dark and in the light of day. The city is not yet overrun - and if anything was happening it was at night. Nevertheless, jubilant crowds mixed with green and tricolor flags (sic!) rejoice in the bright, sunny streets. In Tripoli, by the way, it dawned three hours ago - not before.

What is more - if earlier the reporters cowardly reported another rebel "victory" in exceptionally peaceful places where theatrical gunfire was heard - now we saw a woman in a helmet in the middle of the crowd - when "not all areas of Tripoli have yet been taken over by the Rebels". Exceptionally a lot of rat symbols, and their weapons are also questionable. We were amused by the only tank with a rat flag shown on the news, driving around in the daytime and clearly not in Tripoli. We have already cited the news photo - the time is 06:09 MSK - in Tripoli even earlier, and it is as bright as daylight:

4. It is quite strange that having captured two or three of Gaddafi's sons, they were never shown on any TV. Although such a success the rebels and their masters would surely have shown all over the world.
BUT: just recently Al Jazeera reports that Mohamad Gaddafi has escaped: http://blogs.aljazeera.net/liveblog/libya-aug-22-2011-2122
So soon the rest of the Gaddafi brothers will escape too! True, there is a possibility that some of them have been murdered - and they are delaying the moment this information is presented.

5. So far we have not heard any triumphant official statements from Sarkozy, Obama, Cameron (he only said that the rebels must protect human rights - commonplace) - they do not congratulate their rebels but demand the departure of Gaddafi. This shows that the rebels have not yet won and their celebrations were not at all in Tripoli, but mainly in a "snow town" in Qatar hundreds of kilometres away.

Let's conclude our review of the lies of the Judo-media with some fresh news - the Western media has reveled in pictures of Gaddafi's dead Bin Laden:

I think there are plenty of examples of Western media lies just today - but enough is enough.

So - now on to the analysis. So what happened in Tripoli on August 22?
Let's look at several versions and their consequences.
1. the official version is the victory of the rebels. As proved above - this version does not stand up to any criticism, because they could not pass even 30 km without resistance (Libyans are not "dear Russians" - they know the essence of rats), and militarily they are weak even with support of NATO Air Force.

2. The optimists' version is a repulsed assault. In an atmosphere of such mounting nervousness, of course, it is good to be optimistic, but one has to face the truth. The death toll is huge (1500 people according to Musa Ibrahim - and this only at night and the list is clearly incomplete - whereas violent air raids killed around 100 people - the difference is obvious). Moreover, already western journalists are talking about a lot of dead Qatari soldiers, the involvement of western PMCs is unequivocal - the special forces of France, Britain and possibly Germany are debatable - but with so many casualties it could well have happened. So, given the triumphant rhetoric of the Western and Russian media joined by them, NATO is clearly aimed at victory - otherwise indelible shame is assured. In general, the rebels can be considered only as a theatrical crowd, rather than real combat units - now everything is in the hands of PMCs and special forces. In any case, the status quo will no longer be the case - even if this version is real.

3. Version of "Permanent Stalingrad". This version is supported by most of the bloggers I mentioned above - as confirmed by the scant information coming from Libya. As it was relatively calm in the daytime in the unoccupied Tripoli, and as the respected N. Salahubovsky reports from Damascus,
"There is fighting in and near Tripoli. NATO planes and helicopters continue to bomb residential areas. On the ground, NATO is landing new special forces commandos."
Rebels don't do much fighting at night, but for the well-trained and heavily armed Western Special Forces it's very much in character. There is no point in ranting and raving about violation of the UN resolution - NATO is above the law - as everyone has long understood.
As Lev Vershinin writes, "The civilized ones are speaking in no uncertain terms about the need for open intervention, of course, to "protect civilians in Tripoli". Russia is actively niggling. China seems to agree. Thus, there is no need to convene a UNSC."
Thus, taking this version as the basic one, we can state - a ground operation has ALREADY begun - and not yesterday, but much earlier. It does not matter whether it is legally formalized or not - the effect is the same.
And this "TV uprising" is not even so much a military matter as an informational and psychological one: even if they manage to crush it completely (taking into account special forces and PMCs working there), under the howl of Western mass media, the UN Security Council will solemnly adopt a resolution on a ground operation, in which Gaddafi has very little chance of winning.
So unfortunately I see no reason for optimism. Gaddafi, the Lion of the Desert, has now been attacked not only by rats and lying monkeys - but now also by NATO hyenas and jackals. His chances of victory or partial victory are therefore minimal - once the rebels have painted a "victory" they will no longer be allowed to lose. I know how brave Gaddafi and his people are, I admire his courage - but it is sadly not enough to win against a heavily armed and unscrupulous, brutal enemy - and in the information field of little Libya it is difficult to overpower the full force of the Judo-media, screaming literally at every turn.
Nevertheless - no matter how it happened - Gaddafi is already a legend, a symbol of resistance to the blitzkrieg of total globalisation and the New World Order - as are his people, brought up by him. Thanks to Gaddafi the world won time - but for what - for real resistance against the PMO or for consumerism and the "sweet life" before the slaughter? Yes, there were mistakes, there were difficulties - but Gaddafi is not dead, and Libya is still resisting, and will continue to resist, drowning in the blood of innocent women and children and Jamahiriya patriots.
Let this inspire you, people of other countries, let it be a silent reproach to you, let it be an example to you - HOW you must fight - for your future, for your children, for your homeland, for Truth!