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I want to have the right to trade officially.
The Civil Code of the Russian Federation
Article 1013. Object of trust management
1. The objects of trust management may be enterprises and other property complexes, separate objects relating to immovable property, securities, rights certified by uncertificated securities, exclusive rights and other property.
2. Money may not be an independent object of trust management, except in cases provided for by law.

According to the Federal Law N 17-FZ from February 3, 1996, a credit institution is entitled to carry out trust management of monetary resources and other property under an agreement with individuals and legal entities.

Individuals taking money in trust - from the point of view of the Civil Code this is not trust management, since only credit organisations can do this....
If you want to take money from an offshore company or find workarounds under russian law.


Also look at the Institute for Development of Financial Markets, they give a series 1.0 certificate to the FSFM.

I don't know anymore.

Article 1013. Object of trust management
The objects of fiduciary management may be enterprises and other property complexes, certain items relating to immovable property, securities, rights certified by uncertificated securities, exclusive rights and other property.
2. Money may not be an independent object of trust management, except for cases provided for by law.

According to the Federal Law N 17-FZ from February 3, 1996, a credit institution is entitled to perform trust management of monetary resources and other property under an agreement with individuals and legal entities.

Individuals who take money into trust - from the point of view of the Civil Code this is not trust management as only credit institutions can do this....
to set up a company offshore or to find workarounds under russian legislation when taking money

Alexei anticipated my question.
Article 1013. Object of trust management
The objects of fiduciary management may be enterprises and other property complexes, certain items relating to immovable property, securities, rights certified by uncertificated securities, exclusive rights and other property.
2. Money may not be an independent object of trust management, except in cases provided for by law.

According to Federal Law No. 17-FZ of 3 February 1996, a credit institution has the right to manage funds and other property on trust under an agreement with individuals and legal entities.

Individuals taking money into trust - in terms of the Civil Code this is not a trust because only credit institutions can do this....
You have to set up a company offshore or find workarounds under russian law when you take money

I don't have a goal to take out a trust.
I just want to have such a document.
Frankly, in the "heart of it is just such a desire.
Yes, and the laws we have a little different. Let him lie there, he is not asking for food.


I just want to have such a document.
Honestly, in the depths of my soul, it's just what I want.

then either follow Silent's link or go to any DC. They will draw you any certificate you want for a few cues. :)

To be serious, in Europe a trader must have a License, if he wants to work in a big management company.

then either follow Silent's link or go to any DC. They will draw you any certificate you want for a few cues. :)
It's not just a DC thing :)
Well, you have secondary and higher education degrees. You do not need one if you can work without one .
You can work, but no one will hire you. in 90% of cases, a specialist with a university degree does unskilled work, i.e. all sorts of rubbish.

The perpetually imposed psychology of the mercenary. All the training and diplomas imposed on us have value only within society. That is to say, they prepare cogs for the system.

Mind your own business. Don't get involved with anyone. Then you will be as independent as possible. You won't need diplomas.

I haven't been employed since 1990, after downsizing at a defence plant. And I have managed to get as much freedom as possible from the company's regime in the enterprise.

Now my life efficiency is as high as possible. I recommend you to change your attitude to life. It's stupid to waste it working for a wage earner. It's too short.

You have to be creative. Something that gives you pleasure.