[Archive! - page 42


What kind of war can there be between Libya and the EU these days (I would have thought a year ago)

anything is possible... Stalin also believed to the last that Hitler would not attack, but that's IMHO... I don't know much about politics


What kind of war can there be between Libya and the EU these days (I would have thought a year ago)

anything is possible... Stalin also believed to the last that Hitler would not attack, but that's IMHO... I don't know much about politics

Stalin believed, but he was preparing his forces...

interestingly.... h ttp://voffka.com/archives/2011/04/01/067553.html

who has an opinion on this? nonsense and delirium\like the truth?

APRIL 01, 2011



Please listen to me...

Listening doesn't always mean hearing, but I hope that's not the case today...


If you've seen it, please share your impressions, especially those on the beginnings of life on earth...


Interesting article - who are the "Libyan rebels" -



Please listen to me...

Listening doesn't always mean hearing, but I hope that's not the case today...


If you've seen it, please share your impressions, especially on the beginnings of life on earth...

And yet, without man, everything would be stable and balanced. Mankind screwed everything up.

Please listen to me...

Listening doesn't always mean hearing, but I hope that's not the case today...


If you've seen it, please share your impressions, especially your views on the beginning of life on earth.

I looked it up... What's with all the opinions on the origin of life on Earth? The emphasis there is mostly more on greenpeace... they could have turned the fun in a different direction by giving more attention to their point of view on the origin of life on Earth, but it's mountains, water, minerals, the Sun, arch-cyano-bacteria... well, here we go... :-))) - it is a question of impressions.:-)))

I think we all walk under God - it's about the origin of life on earth.


A familiar face, but I can't remember who it is, can you tell me who it is?

I remember seeing it on this forum

maybe SEVER ?

Face looks familiar, but I can't remember who it is, can you tell me who it is?

I remember seeing it on this forum.

An old acquaintance, FOREX's director Saltunov. )))

Ponenalo Regulest123