[Archive! - page 10


Well... I mean...

Do you have another option? Like, just a smoke! ))))))))))))))

It's out of season, the good one is over :(
there you go... what if the misfortune on "The Island of Bad Luck" is the very beginning (end) of the journey? it would be a shame.
Well, guess what, if we survive we will open this thread and see how terrified we were while waiting, when they said the world would end in 2000 or even earlier there was no such fear, now many understand that something is coming, make assumptions, cataclysms are getting worse and worse..... ... It seems to be unnoticed, but every year there are more and more in the last five years, a trend that is growing ...

You don't want to mess with the don't-know-what...

Let's just stay what we've been thrown at by this chippy...


No way! That's the first thing to learn. The rest, well, that's if the public wants it.


You don't want to mess with the don't-know-what...

Let's just stay what we've been thrown at by this chippy...


No way! That's the first thing to learn. The rest, well, that's if the public wants it.

I would like to believe that death is not the end of my existence.
Otherwise everything loses its meaning. And if it is, then the fear of changing stages is lost. Is it because of this contradiction that we cannot know what is "there"?
Anyone from the Far East, have you checked their background radiation levels with a dosimeter? ....


It is possible to see in Yapan in real time.



1. I'm a thinker. // Fuck you - thinking. If the power is cut off, you stop thinking, and your whole 'reality' ends with you.

2. I am eternal. // Who says? And you believe Him? Well, I guess you really want to believe...)))

Unwashed solipsism - adolescent rejection of the world by who the fuck knows.

Okay. I'm talking about the other one.

AI! Would somebody at least tell me what it's for? What's its purpose? And how, frankly! It doesn't make any sense...



1. I'm a thinker. // Fuck you - thinking. If the power is cut off, you stop thinking, and your whole 'reality' ends with you.

2. I am eternal. // Who says? And you believe Him? Well, I understand that you want to believe...)))

Unwashed solipsism - adolescent rejection of the world by who the fuck knows.

Okay. I'm talking about the other one.

AI! Would someone at least tell me what it's for? What's its purpose? And how, frankly! It doesn't make any sense...

I take it this is something along the lines of: "I'm talking quietly to myself?" :-)))

I take it - it's something along the lines of: "Quietly I'm having a conversation with myself?" :-)))

You understand correctly...

Only the trick is that 'conversation' is where you can exist.

Otherwise, it's OK. I took the jab...))


You understand correctly...

Only the trick is that 'conversation' is where you can exist.

Otherwise, it's fine. I take the hint...)))


Is that where you're already calling? )))))

Reaching for Heaven is a great movie.

SZZY: Your expression is not usual, sometimes you just have to reread at least several times to understand the meaning of what you have said. A sharp mind.


AI! Would someone at least tell me what it's for? What tasks? Yes, and how, to be honest! It doesn't make any sense...

First of all, you have to deal with the first And, Peter, what do you think artificial means? How do you understand that definition?

To me it's something like... "made from nothing, but very much like the real thing."