[Archive! - page 7


I came across these poems and I was outraged by them. We're in the smoking room here, so I expressed my emotions about the object I encountered. I said it without any ulterior motive - I just had to share my indignation with someone. But now, having seen your question, I came to think about it. People come here as adults. Well, it doesn't hurt to know what's going on around us in the world. Some people have kids growing up, some are almost adults. The fact that there are poems on such subjects may make someone think about and inspect, than lives a child. They are not just poems, they are songs, which not only sound - they cultivate a certain culture in the soul, give an attitude of life. Literature has always portrayed patterns of behaviour that have been role models. And here you have such an enemy. Do you understand why I was outraged and why I could not keep quiet? Someone is deliberately tainting the psyche of our youth. Parents should be aware of this issue! In general, it would be nice to jointly and by mutual effort go to the site administrators and ask them to delete this crap from everywhere. One person simply cannot do it alone.

I repeat: "Of course, the question is serious, but it's all kind of silly and ridiculous (in the sense of a crooked smile, no more)... Don't you, an adult, understand that this is not the way to solve these issues?"

We've been getting into an emotional showdown and mutual accusations here, so I'll give you a bit of a dry rundown.

1. Under Russian law, the display and distribution of fascist symbols (Article 20.3 of the CAO) and the mass distribution of extremist materials (Article 20.29 of the CAO) are punishable. Note, it is not required to prove propaganda or endorsement of the materials, their "public display" is sufficient.
The law considers documents of the "National Socialist German Workers' Party" (read: Nazi Germany in general) to be extremist materials. 2.

(2) Responsibility for publication lies with the individuals and legal entities who published the material and provided the platform for publication.

3. Drknn's posts fall under these definitions.

4. I have no doubt that drknn had the exact opposite goal in mind when he wrote, but a fact is a fact and one should not be outraged by the punishment.


waiting,waiting.... and when are you, the moderators, going to bump drknn's post from the first page? (1. Under Russian law the display and distribution of fascist symbols (Article 20.3 of the CAO) and the mass distribution of extremist materials (Article 20.29 of the CAO) are punishable... )

Post deleted.
Anyone from the Far East, have you used a dosimeter to check the background radiation levels there? ....
It's probably more relevant to ask Canadians.
Anyone from the Far East, have you checked their radiation background with a dosimeter? ....
I believe the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Emissions are insignificant and the wind rose is steadily favourable. The wind was blowing to our side three hundred kilometres away from Chernobyl, but in the city it was not higher than 30...35 microns per hour, and within a month it was 15. And there it blew up half of the fuel from the fourth unit into the air.
A case where I believe the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Emissions are insignificant, the wind rose is steadily favourable. At one time three hundred kilometres away from Chernobyl the wind was blowing in our direction, but in the city it was not higher than 30...35 μrn/h, and within a month it was back to 15. And there it blew up half of the fuel from the fourth unit into the air.
if i am not mistaken, the norm is up to 50?
If I'm not mistaken, the norm is up to 50?
We consider 12 the norm, but I don't know what the SanPin says. In the world, the natural one is up to 100, somewhere in Africa.

Really??? in the area where I served "Grach" was showing 15...20, but on the bumper of "Topol" (in 2.5 meters from the head unit) it was 30 microns per hour.
It turns out that 15...20 is the norm for that area...