EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 3) - page 973


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I don't mess around with foundations.

Mixon777, you have been warned. Even if you are attacked, don't be quick to swear back, it's not always the right tactic. Well, try not just post a lot of coloured pictures, but also to comment on them in more detail.

And the girls would like to ask to be more loyal to those who think and express themselves differently.

The arrest of International Monetary Fund chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn will have no effect on financial assistance programs for eurozone crisis countries, the European Commission said today.

"I want to assure public opinion, market participants and the press that this is absolutely out of the question: all decisions made are being implemented and are not subject to any adjustments," European Commission spokesman Amadeu Altafage told reporters who asked how the arrest of the IMF chief would affect the aid programmes for Greece, Ireland and Portugal.

A spokesman for the EU executive added that the IMF remains "the strong institution it has always been and this status will not change in any way" after the scandal surrounding Strauss-Kahn, reports Reuters


The US could reach bankruptcy as early as August this year

The US has once again hit the borrowing ceiling, having borrowed as much as $14.3 trillion. Now everything depends on congressmen, who have two months to approve an increase in the debt ceiling. In the meantime, the Ministry of Finance will have to tighten its belt a bit and do without borrowing for a while.

Experts, meanwhile, note that the world's biggest economy faces tough times if negotiations to raise the debt ceiling fail. Moreover, if lawmakers do not vote for further increase of the national debt by August 2, the United States will have nothing else but to default on its obligations.

Current President Barack Obama is also aware of this and has warned Congress of a deep crisis in the country should investors start to question the creditworthiness of the US. "If investors decide that the Full Faith and Credit Clause is not upheld, if they think we may default on our obligations, it could bring down the entire financial system," the president told CBS News.

Data from the Third Way Research Institute corroborates Obama's words. In particular, the document says that the U.S. could slide back into recession if inaction of Washington leads to default. At the same time, about 640,000 jobs will be lost, stock markets will collapse and lending activity will shrink, Reuters notes.

As Societe Generale currency analyst Keith Jacks writes, the commodities market will continue to show a strong bullish trend, with EUR/USD aiming for a return to 1.55, and possibly above it. In the meantime, the decline of the single currency should be used as a buying opportunity.

The expert motivates his opinion with the following factors:

- The Fed is likely to remain in pause mode longer than currently expected

- German economy is booming despite the euro exchange rate

- The sovereign debt crisis in the eurozone would not cause any significant damage to the economy of the region as long as peripheral risks do not evolve and remain constant.

The bank now predicts that EURUSD will be at 1.52 instead of 1.50 by the end of the year.

The main short-term risk factor is the uncertainty about ECB policy tightening in the near future and the Greek debt problems. Sharp movements in EURUSD (in either direction) cannot be ruled out.



Please comment on your posts on your behalf with your own comments, clarifications and analysis. Otherwise, the news you publish in such a form not only has no value, but also falls under the definition of rubbish, littering the thread. Consider this a warning.

From the TA point of view and based on the FA (posted by me above) we can say that so far we are just at the 38th Fibonacci level of the 1.2873-1.4875 upward move built on the daily chart, which means that the whole previous fall is just a small correction of the big move and the trend can continue further

Also keep in mind that today is the start of the two-day EU summit, and if the ministers make some announcements about speculators not waiting for the Greece default, our buying will come in handy, because the massive profit taking from selling will begin.

Also today at 4pm Kiev time the Fed chief is expected to speak.

I like all of Margaret's comments, she's great.

here are the options finally released

The nearest resistance level is 1.4156. Given the value of Kol options with this strike at the end of Friday (180 pips), this level is transformed into resistance level 1.4336


We get resistance levels - 1.4156 1.4206 1.4256 1.4306 1.4356 1.4406

The nearest support level is 1.4106


With the value of the Put options at the end of Friday (309 pips), this level transforms into support at 1.3797. On Friday, 512 call options were opened at this strike, which is a bullish signal for this currency pair

on Monday.

We get support levels - 1.4106 1.4056 1.4006 1.3956 1.3906 1.3856

I like all of Margaret's comments, she's great.

Activist...Komsomol girl...... and a good girl in general)))))))))