EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 3) - page 986

Mikhail, I don't know how old you are, but you've obviously been hit in the head. At least watch your language once in a while and have some respect for those around you.
OK = profiteering like alcohol goes to your head - well I can't help it )))) happiness
ok = the profits are like alcohol in the head - i can't help it )))) happiness

Aren't you a bum yourself?

Why don't you work for the bank?

OK = profits give you alcohol in the head - I can't help it )))) happiness
judging by your posts you don't know anything about the market yourself...and judging by how happy you are about the profits.... you've been losing... you've been losing and then you got carried away with the 9 square a couple of times and you're probably thinking this is the grail... well i have a whole system on square 9 and i'll tell you that the filters there need to go square one day and then not tomorrow.... so don't get your hopes up............


Yes, to be honest, I came to erase my post, it was a bit rude, but you beat me to it, there was no point.

Don't worry, Michael. You should not worry, Michael. Compared to his "rudeness" here, your "rudeness" is not. He can't trade, it was clear about five years ago, he hasn't learned anything since then. I advised him to use the money he earned to buy at least an ice-cream cone - he didn't listen, so there would have been ice-cream.

This man has other aims. But he is funny, so you just have to watch :o)


Don't worry, Mikhail. Compared to what he's been saying here, your "rudeness" is not. He can't trade at all, it was clear five years ago, and he hasn't learned a thing since then. I advised him to use the money he earned to buy at least an ice-cream cone - he didn't listen, so there would have been ice-cream.

This man has other aims. But he's funny, so you just have to watch :o)

I made sure today on GBP JPY - the main thing is to buy last night ) ---- then the profits will make everyone sick -
I made sure today on GBP JPY - that there is happiness - the main thing was to buy last night ) ---- then everyone will be sick of the profits -
Let's see how the EUR/CHF does. It is not really going up...let's wait
Mikhail, I don't know how old you are, but you've obviously been hit in the head. At least watch your language once in a while and have some respect for those around you.

I think it's him

Marguerite of Navarre's aphorisms are wise and relevant to this day.

How unreasonable it is for a man to seek for another good that he has. Not content with what he has and chasing after more, he loses what he has.

Bad people are willing to look for evil anywhere but where it really is.

There is no fire without smoke, but I have seen smoke many times in places where there is no fire.

The most ignorant one is the one who thinks he knows everything.

If anyone really knows something, it is the one who believes he knows nothing.

The strongest are those who devote their energies to good deeds.

It is not a crime but stupidity that is punished.

He who does good to others tastes the joy of it.


Marguerite of Navarre's aphorisms are wise and relevant today.

he who helps people is wasting his time.

You can't become famous by good deeds (from a famous cartoon)

Margaret better tell me why the GBP is doing so well today - I can blame it on karma and square 9 but what do you say, news analyst ?