EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 3) - page 146


Don't take it out on Chaplin, he explained the riots and uprisings correctly. It is one thing when the people really have had enough and are rightly demanding the abolition of such a regime. And it is quite another thing when someone is hiding behind beautiful slogans, acting in his own selfish interests.

And Russia has already refused to supply arms to Libya, and before that to Iran; they are squeezing us, squeezing us...


Well almost there yesterday...time to roll back (red)...



For the tenth time I ask, is the Asian plum just a fig earthquake? Isn't it time to go down in the weeks?

It is. I even got upset the day before yesterday that it wasn't a nice decline, the wrong one... I'm waiting... It's soon and it's very close... But we need to correct the top, and then we can safely go down. The month promises to be volatile....

When Japan intervenes, the euro will fall accordingly... And the intervention is not far off...


Silver's going up - Celentano says it's a divorce....

and I bought some gold.


It's time. I even got upset the day before yesterday that it wasn't a pretty slump, not the right one... I'm waiting... It's soon and it's very close... But we need to correct the top and then we can safely go down. The month promises to be volatile...

When Japan intervenes, the Euro will fall accordingly... And the intervention is not far off...

At least one native heart. BUT . The question is different. The strait on Asia opens a path down from the current ones. Here's my unter theme.

Well... Fucking hell... The end of 2009 was successfully flushed out in Asia. Maybe we can repeat history.

I think you can sleep easy tonight... we'll have to stall for a while - recover... tomorrow we'll see...

At least one kindred heart. BUT . The question is different. The strait on Asia opens a path down from the current ones. Here's my unter theme.

Not opening, but opening a path as far as 1.2740 (so far tentative). h ttps://


I think you can sleep easy tonight...need to stomp around a bit - will recover... tomorrow we'll see...

But we can also start making adjustments.


Hello, does anyone know which currency Europe pays for oil - the quid or the euro???


Not open, but opened a path as far as 1.2740 (so far tentative). h ttps://

But we may also start to correct.

I should have written it more simply...

forecast = don't know... )))


Not open, but have opened a path as far as 1.2740 (so far tentative).

For goodness sake. You made a great prediction a year ago. That's not what I'm talking about. SPILLED ON ASIA. Srenger says he's up to ......, how about you?