Strategic foresight systems - page 35

There, the second one has arrived. Don't forget avatara as well, so you can triple the amount of flubbing.

So far you've replaced everyone!



FAGOTT mate !

I could be wrong, but there is a paradox here. The pressure in the volcano is figurative and apt.

The system error, on the other hand, didn't work...

It is NOT visualised as lava and steam.

If you are trading - you should know that almost all Tangible assets are going up now.

And so are mortgages.

And Marx/Engels crises are crises of overproduction... when the wheat crop is better drowned than to change the status quo.

And why am I retelling textbooks? )

Better re-read the posts...


1. You're not my friend...

2. The crisis of overproduction is the Great Depression. What textbooks did you read that in? Marx was already in his grave at the time.

3. So what if the material assets are growing? Actually, either the bottom of the crisis is already passed, or it is one of the local lows if the crisis follows the W scenario.

why reread the posts?


I saw G-d - Hallelujah!

/* as it is in Schweik... in the sky...

the sergeant flogs the recruit:

- I'll teach you, you bastard, to shout hallelujah! / the new recruit: - Hallelujah!


Are you seriously thinking what you are thinking? )))

(laughing): Oh, man...


1. You are not my friend...

2. The crisis of overproduction is the Great Depression. What textbooks did you read that in? Marx was already in his grave at the time.

3. So what if material assets are growing? Actually, either the bottom of the crisis is already passed, or it is one of the local lows if the crisis follows the W scenario.

why do you need to reread your posts?

1. I didn't impose - I thought you did. )

2. Keep learning... ANALYZE... Do not jump to conclusions. Synthesis is only possible after deep analysis...

3... face reality more often.

b/n... To understand your interlocutors.

Good luck colleague!



1. Yes and I didn't impose myself - I thought... )

2. Keep learning... ANALYZE... Do not jump to conclusions. Synthesis is only possible after deep analysis...

3... face reality more often.

b/n... To understand your interlocutors.

Good luck colleague!


thanks for eternal truths. These words are relevant to all times and peoples at all times. They are eternal commandments.

Gospel of Sorento.


Thanks for the eternal truths. These words are valid for all times and for all nations at all times. They are eternal precepts.

Gospel by Sorento.

Irony, and even more so over the "eternal", is the last refuge of the weak and the "vile"...

Can I "give birth" to any of my thoughts on the crisis?

What is a "systemic error" - for example?



Irony, and even more so over the "eternal", is the last refuge of the weak and "vile"...

Can I "give birth" to any of my thoughts on the crisis?

What is a "systemic error" - for example?


people smarter than me have written entire libraries on the crisis, its causes and consequences and received awards for it - and you "caca your thought"!

Google "systemic error" and you will find it. Search and find it!

But why do you need it?


People smarter than me have written entire libraries on the crisis, its causes and consequences, and received awards for it - and you "caca your thought"!

About the system error - google it and you will find it. Search and find!

What do you need it for, though?


"Kaku", "defended" ....

OK, you won't look in the library and I won't Google it! I'll give you a clue - the origins and causes of the crisis, the systemic errors of the global economy, look for them in the published speeches of the man whose picture is on your avatar.


"Kaku", "defended" ....

OK, you won't look in the library and I won't Google it! I'll give you a clue - the origins and causes of the crisis, the systemic errors of the global economy, look for them in the published speeches of the man whose picture is on your avatar

I thought I was talking to someone knowledgeable...


I apologize - as always.

"Those who know don't speak, those who speak don't know."
