Strategic foresight systems - page 34


When quoting, at least link it to the subject.

Or 'decipher' your view of cause and effect...


Otherwise, like on Ismat, the main thing is not to forget a BRIEF CURRENT COURSE.

Well, that's not the point - I wrote above about crises and their cyclical nature. The quote is about that.

The causes of crises in a market economy - look for yourself. Volumes have been written about it for a hundred years.

It's very naive to think that such a global phenomenon can be described in one forum post.

Read the story of Einstein and his son who asked him why he was so famous. You can tell the same story about causes of crisis in several forum posts when libraries have already been written about it.


Why - did the crisis start on 05-07.11? Was it precisely on those days? Wasn't it in September 2008 and October? And all the investors have been doing since September, thought? Why then if all currencies were to end - was the US dollar rising in value?


I told you, you can't beat it :)


I have written above about crises and their cyclical nature. The quote is exactly about that.

The causes of crises in a market economy - look for yourself. Volumes have been written about it for a hundred years.

It is very naive to think that such a global phenomenon can be described in one forum post.

Read the story of Einstein and his son who asked him why he was so famous. In the same way it is possible to tell about causes of crisis on a forum in several posts when libraries are already written about it.

Do you mind - give definitions of crisis in the context of your previous posts. Both for me and for other "nerds" - a science.



What 'pension' reform is current in the CIS? Spread the word...

Can you explain inflation and the spiralling prices of food and energy by cataclysms?


But WHAT is a crisis? - I'm waiting for an answer, not a lament that they've been around for a long time...

And cyclical... shit.

Horses and people mixed together... (с)

1. Crises do exist, have existed and will continue to exist.

2. If you're too lazy to read, fine. The crisis is a systemic error in the global economy. The crisis is a systemic mistake in the global economy.

3. What do the crisis and pension reform have to do with it? Pension reform in the CIS is taking place because the pension system in the CIS is solidarity-based, not funded. The population is dying out, and there is a growing number of pensioners and a growing number of employed people. The same problems exist in Europe. Before the crisis, the deficit of pension funds was filled from external sources.

4. the price of energy carriers has gone up? and i thought that during the crisis the price of electricity went down......

5. Food? There are more and more people on the planet, but the fertile land has not increased. And everyone needs to eat.


It looks like I'm becoming the personal answer to the eternal and global questions...

I quit. If you have any comments on the FA, please, for the rest, go to school or institute or the library


Horses and men mixed together... (с)

1. crises are, have been and will be.

2. If you're too lazy to read, fine. The crisis is a systemic error in the world economy. I can not explain in simpler terms, read the classics.

3. What do the crisis and pension reform have to do with it? Pension reform in the CIS is taking place because the pension system in the CIS is solidarity-based, not funded. The population is dying out, and the number of pensioners and jobs is falling. The same problems exist in Europe. Before the crisis, the deficit of pension funds was filled from external sources.

4. the price of energy carriers has gone up? and i thought that during the crisis the price of electricity went down......

5. Food? There are more and more people on the planet, but the fertile land has not increased. And everyone needs to eat.


Can't you understand anything? Then don't lecture others.

I asked a simple question:

Can we ask the "fundamentalists" what the crisis is?

And why it "started"?

As in "has oil gone up in price?" (c) Petrov - happy memory to him.

then -

And while they are preparing a "quote", I will continue with the question - what has been "overproduced" so far, that socially necessary labour inputs have depreciated due to lack of demand?

Or can't you answer? And just trolling...

Virtual economy crises and "good" Max/Engels crises...

Spread the word, you've struck gold.



So are you suggesting that oil has gone up in price since the crisis hit and aliens are stealing food? It's possible. It is quite possible.

I have already answered that the crisis is a systemic error in the world economy. It started because the time was right. Crises in the world economy are cyclical in nature. It started because a critical level had been reached. You see? Like a volcano, it erupts because it reaches a critical level of pressure. I honestly, honestly, I won't tell you any easier. And honestly, whole libraries have been written about it. And they've been teaching about it at universities for years.

Once again I ask - where did you get "overproduced" and about labour costs?


So are you suggesting that oil has gone up in price since the crisis hit and that aliens are stealing food? It's possible. It is quite possible.

I have already answered that the crisis is a systemic error in the world economy. It started because the time was right. Crises in the world economy are cyclical in nature. It started because a critical level had been reached. You see? Like a volcano, it erupts because it reaches a critical level of pressure. I honestly, honestly, I won't tell you any simpler than that. And honestly, whole libraries have been written about it. And they've been teaching about it at universities for years.

I ask again - where did you get "overproduced" and about labour costs?

Is there an answer?

Or should we all go to university?



Is there an answer?

Or should we all go to university?


Here comes the second one. Don't forget avatara's as well, so you can flub three times as much.

FAGOTT mate !

I could be wrong, but there is a paradox here. The pressure in the volcano is figurative and apt.

The system error, on the other hand, didn't work...

It is NOT visualised as lava and steam.

If you are trading - you should know that almost all Tangible assets are going up now.

And so are mortgages.

And Marx/Engels crises are crises of overproduction... when the wheat crop is better drowned than to change the status quo.

And why am I retelling textbooks? )

Better re-read the posts...
