Forex trading, does it make sense? - page 15

Clearly the credentials aren't his, they're Alpari's )) Who says they are his diplomas?

deleted...() it's the page of a pamm service, and the account is the best as a pamm service advertisement.
But that doesn't mean it's drawn for the lure at all.
But that doesn't mean it's drawn for the lure at all.

to attract investors - and make a real profit (by them).
ZZZEROXXX: We don't need to equate the bank and the brokerage company.

The market may be considered the best way to trade on the Forex market.

ZZZEROXXX : Even with little money, it is better to trade in a normal stock market with a transparent transaction formation mechanism.

Everyone chooses what he likes and suits him. That's ok.

ZZZEROXXX : on the link to the pamm - you have to be sober about the meaning and purpose of such charts - to attract clients. so you can draw anything you want.

What I have shown you is not a drawing, as you may wrongly think - it is a working real. The real pamphlet is a real trading game, in which you cannot build a profit unless you start with an idea.


on the subject of pamm - not a pamm, but also "real" ht tp://

N1 is so "real" that even on days when there was no trading ))))

Your example, on the other hand, is such a clean picture that no one can verify.

So comparing a real trade with some picture is not quite appropriate in this case))))

Tantrik: and the account is the best as an advertisement for a pamm service.

These are not diplomas of this account as the best, these are diplomas of the pamm service as the best. And these diplomas are displayed on every account, not just this one.

These are not diplomas of this account being the best, they are diplomas of the pamm service being the best. And those diplomas are displayed on every account, not just this one.
Yeah? Well, that's how I opened his account. (you're probably right)

I'm just amazed by statements of cheating by DCs of people who have not been cheated because they have not traded with real money ;)

What do you want? You have been given a free terminal, free quotes, free execution of orders - use it, learn, gain experience - with experience - go ahead and ruin banks, brokers, the entire Forex ... ))))))))))

SZZY: Just sit on MT forum and say that you are "worth a visit" - the worst thing you can do for your own self-satisfaction ;)

SZS #2: Oh, yeah, somewhere in an unprecedented country, there's a wonder Yudo-broker without commissions, with a super platform, and there's no need to think, but take the money and rake it in with the golden spatula

1) what are you saying, I get cheated every second when I see the "market overview" window with quotes, with real money I had and have a relationship with DCs

2) All this is free, learn the lesson - what about the spread, swap, and lost deposits? You can write more than one MetaTrader on it alone )))) do not be fooled.

3) clever and wise - not for me. I was just expressing my views on the topic of the forum.

4) you have to think everywhere and pay commission too. the difference is in the pricing.


I did not draw parity - you have written that these are the kitchens.

What I have shown you is not a drawing, as you might incorrectly think - it is a working reality. And what's more, anyone can check it by investing a small amount to invest a larger amount later, if there is no initial trust.

And here is your example - it is a simple picture, which no one can check.

So comparing a real with some picture is not quite appropriate in this case ))))

1)I wrote that banks are kitchens, in some cases - when they don't withdraw to interbank.

2) I understand that this is a "real" PAMM. i mean that it is most likely as "real" as that picture. ))

the real statistics are here ht tp:// all the same N1.

(Pay attention to the number of deals in any day. it's a comparison of trading possibilities in the kitchen and at any other liquid brokerage house. which brokerage house can conduct at least 300 deals per day. )))


Well, if you trade, you should have understood long ago that the commission will pay everywhere, until you become a broker, and as a conclusion - if your strategy involves takeovers less than 10.0 pips (<3 spreads to be exact) means there will be a loss on any platform and at any broker, swaps google help - a lot of information why the swap must be paid, lost deposits - for adrenaline in the blood should be paid

As for the subtext, everybody has the same problem: expectations of easy earnings are not justified, the information on the Internet is fragmented - titanic efforts to read and discard speculation and find bits of truth.

i have an idea that i am trying to find the best way to fix my trading style, and i have an idea that i am trying to build my trading style up to my expectations: someone needs 10 pips per day, someone needs 5% of deposit per month, someone needs risk-free trading, someone needs at least 30% of deposit per trade ( me :D ), and i think that finding your expectations in the market or adjusting your dream to the reality - that's the education goal (strategy development) on free platforms, imho


1)I wrote that banks are kitchens, in some cases - when they don't take to the interbank.

As for the profit, i do not care about my business, i just have to count pips and at the end of the day i make sure that the deposit has increased.


What difference does it make to you? if there is profit, and how this profit is turned by the dealing center/bank/broker - is not my business, my business is to count pips and at the end of the trade to make sure that the deposit has increased

I do not care about that because you can confirm one quote post factum and not the other because they will point to the rules that says that the brokerage company is always right.