

Fellow human beings, can anyone responsibly state what to expect from this miracle?


Nibiru is an imaginary planet on the diametrically opposite side of the Sun from the Earth.

What do you think we can expect from it?


Nibiru is an imaginary planet on the diametrically opposite side of the sun from the earth.

What do you think you can expect from it?

But why would I know if it's fictional or not?

What about the recent catastrophes? The summer floods and fires?) What if America washes up and forex is shut down? What are we gonna do? What to live for?


If so I think it's OK) But why should I know if it's fictional or not???

What about the recent catastrophes? The summer floods and fires?) What if America washes up and forex closes, what are we gonna do? What to live for?

well then dry bread)

Svinozavr says you should drink more to stop time.)

FOREX is first of all people with their psychology And as long as there will be humanity there will be FOREX no matter what it will be called

If so I think it's OK) But why should I know if it's fictional or not???

What about the recent catastrophes? The summer floods and fires?) What if America washes up and forex closes, what are we supposed to do? What to live for?

Well, read for example Golol, Chekhov, etc.

They are also very good, and even better.

this is the only way NIBIRU
that's the only way NIBIRU

))) Phew thank gods) What about warming? Floods and fires?)


))) Phew thank gods) What about warming? Floods and fires?)

And constipation? Blunts of the mind...

Also ?



))) Phew thank the gods) What about warming? Floods and fires?)

Ask the gods. )

And with constipation, see a therapist.)


And the constipation? The confusion of the mind...

Also ?


Haven't heard about that yet, tell me...