What form, let's assume a physical body, does time have? Your opinion. - page 52

Make a good point. I mean it. If you don't mind.
Assume that time goes faster at the centre and slows down as the equitemporal spheres move away from the centre.

Introducing different coefficients for different directions, we get :

In this case there will also be circles, albeit on a different scale.


If time depends on distance, e.g. as 1/R, then the coefficients will not be constant but will depend on distance.


In this case we get this picture :

We see that the circles merge into one circle. A comparison of the two pictures shows this clearly.


If time depends on distance as 1/R^2, then we have this picture :

The nature of the change can be seen by comparing the two pictures.

Dear, it is a market economy (capitalism), inevitably, divides people into 2 categories : 20% - the rich (with blue blood) and 80% - the poor or "the rest" (with red or black blood), nevertheless, humanity has not invented a better one.

This is a delusion. For a long time (billions of years) an alternative has been invented, but forcibly implemented for 1000 years (in Russia) this very shit you speak of.
Dear, it is a market economy (capitalism), inevitably, divides people into 2 categories : 20% - the rich (with blue blood) and 80% - the poor or "the rest" (with red or black blood), nevertheless, humanity has not invented a better one.

Send these 20% to the moon, or better still, away, so that they do not interfere with a normal life, naturally, according to Nature! Not by their ambition to manipulate the whole World!
This is a delusion. An alternative has been invented for a long time (billions of years) but has been force-fed for 1000 years (in Russia) this very shit you speak of.

Please voice the alternative. Simply, under RE (K), those in the 20% should realise that there is indirect credit for their prosperity to the laggards and a developed network of social benefits or otherwise, return some of the funds to them, very correctly, without affecting their ego, as-if unnoticed, for example through a "second hand" network.

That 20% should be sent to the moon, or better still, away from interfering with a normal life, naturally, by Nature! Not by their ambition to manipulate the whole World!
Rest assured, the remaining 80% will again split into 16% and 64% (of the original number) and so on to infinity, until everyone is on the moon.

Have fun, Makar Bright has lots of interesting videos :))))))))))))))
Rest assured, the remaining 80% will again split into 16% and 64% (of the original number) and so on to infinity until everyone is on the moon.

And the reason for all this is the legalised right to have values in excess of one's labour contribution.

Close that hole and the division will at least be WONDERFUL.

Please voice the alternative. Simply, under RE (K), those in the 20% should realise that there is indirect credit for their prosperity to the laggards and a developed network of social benefits or otherwise, return some funds to them, very correctly, without affecting their self-esteem, as-if unnoticed, for example through a "second hand" network.

It is a Vedic form of governance and social structure. The division into castes and the knowledge of each caste's place. That is, each caste knows that it is a necessary and integral part of the whole. Transition from one caste to another in ascending order through a special examination. In essence, through a death test.

I.e. an arm will not conflict with a leg or a head. As it is now in Ukraine.