What form, let's assume a physical body, does time have? Your opinion. - page 38

What about: ah, how quickly the time flew by? )

We (with our brains) measure time in a very subjective way by the number of events that we "realise" and clocks were invented by humans to systematise and standardise a multitude of subjective assessments.
Humans like to discretize and count everything, even those things that cannot be discretized and counted. For example, you can express wind force in m/s or in kg/cm2, but neither will give a complete picture of wind force and the processes in the airflow, nor of the pressure differential that created the wind.


It seems to me that here it is necessary to get into the microcosm, to understand from what it is possible to move, etc., I cannot understand how electron has so much energy to rotate with such speed around a nucleus of atom, if to assume that its energy is infinite then at nuclear explosion ALL has to be destroyed (or to expand to infinity), and if energy is finite then atom must sometime collapse, which occurs at half-decay of radioactive elements, although here we can "long look" at the Sun.

I dare to suggest that time has no direction, it exists everywhere where there is motion and appears at appearance of motion (i.e. motion initially, like water: it stands while there is no motion and moves after the body has stopped and calms down not immediately it can even explain the inertia effect))), and exists while there is motion (while the price stands on weekends the time on the server does not change )))), not for nothing time is measured through motion (clock hands move) and can be measured by what was before (initially))))

Since the eighth grade, our physics was written by Hans Christian Andersen (otherwise we would not have burnt hydrocarbons and would not have flown like flies on air, and in the airless space on the jet stream), but to read it, Alexander, still worthwhile. No offence, OK? I'll quote....

"I cannot understand how the electron has so much energy to rotate with such speed around the nucleus of the atom" - at uniform rectilinear motion, as well as at circular equi-accelerated motion the kinetic energy of the object is constant. To put it simply, it (the electron) does not need any energy at all for this purpose - it has entered the orbit of the nucleus and that's all - since then the atom is a "conserved" quantum of energy.

"assuming that its energy is infinite then in a nuclear explosion..." - what does this have to do with an electron??? A nuclear explosion is a chain reaction of decay (fusion) of Nuclei of atoms, and the "stray" free electrons left behind carry much less energy.

"and if energy is finite, the atom must collapse at some point" - really??? and collapse! only there is no friction force (in microcosm) we are familiar with, a kind of "efficiency tax" is the lot of our world. The electron does not maintain integrity of the nucleus, when the atom receives quantum of energy, the electron simply moves from one orbit to another, or may separate from the nucleus at all - this is ionization, as well as an "extra" electron received by the atom.

So, just for fun: the atom as such is just a special case of matter existence - the nucleus, electrons in orbits... The vast majority of matter in the observable universe is in a state of plasma - protons, neutrons, nuclei, electrons... all of which, together and individually, constitute stellar matter at the same time. The number and speed of their interactions, as well as the laws of interaction, are still a mystery to our scientists, and they have only just begun to unravel it.

Read online about "neutrinos" - I laughed, maybe you will like it too: fools split the nucleus, measured everything they could and didn't count a shitload of energy... They decided that it must be a tiny little neutrino that flies fast and doesn't really interact with anything (hence neutrino). Shit, they invented it!!!! Invented to somehow explain what's going on! The stereotypical way of thinking, the habit of patterned thinking, and the fear of coming across as another heretic do not even allow them, the "scientists", to suggest that the undetectable phenomenon may simply lie on a different time "plane". The energy that was missing in the process of the nucleus decay was released "yesterday", "the day after tomorrow", and even "X-where"!

Now, it is really funny: in plasma (read - mush of elementary particles) there are processes, which cannot be described in terms of one time series. In other words, the same action does not necessarily lead to the same result! Don't you find similarities with human behaviour? Everything around us on Earth is predictable and unambiguous: g=9.8m/s2, the angle of reflection equals the angle of incidence and the force of action equals the force of counteraction... Predictable and calculable from a single time series point of view everything... EXCEPT THE HUMAN DECISION!!!
It is these "2 grams of plasma", (on which the body is lightened at the moment of death) that provide the unpredictability of each of us decision and make up 1/3 of our self-consciousness.

That's it. You can call in the paramedics.


Read on the web about "neutrinos" - I laughed, maybe you will like it too: idiots split the nucleus, measured everything they could and did not count a shitload of energy... They decided that it must be a tiny little neutrino that flies fast and doesn't really interact with anything (hence neutrino). Shit, they invented it!!!! Invented to somehow explain what's going on! The stereotypical way of thinking, the habit of patterned thinking, and the fear of coming across as another heretic do not even allow them, the "scientists", to suggest that the undetectable phenomenon may simply lie on a different time "plane". The energy that was missing in the process of the nucleus decay was released "yesterday", "the day after tomorrow", and even "X-where"!

Dirac invented the positron on the tip of his pen too, to provide symmetry of difur solutions under simple mathematical transformations. And he did not need any time planes...

I'll give you my five cents' worth :))

For me, time is a property that describes the space in which we find ourselves and it can be described in 3-dimensional coordinate system. Imagine 3 axes x, y, z and now let's imagine t axis, I will explain how to build it. Suppose we are at a point with coordinates 0 0 0 and we will stay at that point all the time. Suppose there is an object (torch) with coordinates x1, y1, z1 which is very far away from us (e.g. 1 light year). Now we turn on the torch for 1 second and extinguish it. For the torch this event has already happened and is in the past, while for us it is not yet, for us it is the future and we will learn about the fact that the torch was lit for 1 second only in a year. Now let us go back to our coordinate system and draw an infinitely long line through origin and the points x1, y1, z1. The distance between the origin and the point x1, y1, z1 was originally 10 trillion km. (approximately 1 st. year). Suppose that six months passes, for our usual coordinate system the distance between origin and lantern has not changed, and in the coordinate system with t-axis the point is shifted by straight line (drawn earlier) and has x2, y2, z2 coordinates and the distance is halved, and in a year it will be equal to zero. So I think the t-axis is an infinite set of lines that permeate space, which is attracted to the origin of coordinates at the speed of light and moves away from them at the same speed (goes back in time), so on...


I'm not offended.

my understanding is that if there is motion, there must be energy to cause that motion, the electron moves around the nucleus (we can assume that it "flickers"), so there is or was energy that caused or drives it to move.

"Assuming its energy is infinite then in a nuclear explosion..." - here I meant the energy contained in the atom, not just one electron. And as the nuclear explosion shows the limits of expansion are finite.


I'll give you my five cents' worth :))

I will allow myself a small remark: from your reasoning it turns out that the speed of propagation of time is equal to speed of propagation of an electromagnetic wave in vacuum. I would like to warn you against this delusion because attempts to pull gravitation on the wave theory have already sacrificed some vehicles on Mars and Venus, so it is not necessary to attribute properties of already known to the unknown.

I'm not offended.

my understanding is that if there is motion, there must be energy to cause that motion, the electron moves around the nucleus (we can assume it "flickers"), so there is or has been energy that has caused or is causing it to move.

"Assuming its energy is infinite then in a nuclear explosion..." - here I meant the energy contained in the atom, not just one electron. And as the nuclear explosion shows the limits of expansion are finite.

Sash, from our point of view it is nonsense: electron has properties of wave, particle and energy quantum at the same time... Moreover, it also has SPIN (like rotation: there is left-hand spin, there is right-hand spin) I would not be surprised if it turns out that time is not so usual there (in atom)...

"if there is motion, then there must be energy causing that motion" - I disagree: if there is a CHANGE of motion parameters, then there must be energy causing that change.


By the way.

A sense of time is a sequence of fixations of events by the mind. When you sleep, time flies fast (relative to events). In love again...))
Well, remember the events that are significant for the trajectory of your destiny. Are they multiples of time-framed? No, apparently...

Getting back to the FR. Ugh! To phora! )))

Since some time it seems strongly that TF price splitting is bullshit (not mine!)). Event framing is something that is discrete to the mind and the price formation process itself.

Inside the gap (event bar), however, prices obey quite normal laws. So... Sluggish thoughts between two shocks. Quite predictable.


Notice how I avoid a certain word? )))))))


By the way.

The perception of time is a sequence of fixation of events by consciousness. When you are asleep, time flies quickly (relative to events). In love again...)).
Well, think of events that are significant for the trajectory of your destiny. Are they multiples of time-framed? No, apparently...

Getting back to the FR. Ugh! To phora! )))

Since some time it seems strongly that TF price splitting is bullshit (not mine!))). Event framing is something that is discrete to the mind and the price formation process itself.

Inside the gap (event bar), however, prices obey quite normal laws. So... Sluggish thoughts between two shocks. Quite predictable.


Notice how I avoid a certain word? )))))))

Well it is understandable, if you stare at one object all the time, then after a while it really stops to be felt (i.e. meditation, then again in dreams your eyes run chaotically)), but there are no shifting events that can be imprinted in the memory and the dreams happen but they are very short in duration compared to the dream period and then it seems that the whole dream was full of dreams, because there was nothing else )

ZS: which word are you avoiding?


I understand that if you stare at one object all the time, then after some time it really stops to be felt (meditation, again, in dreams your eyes run chaotically)), but there is no change of events that can be imprinted in the memory, and the dreams come, they last very little compared to the dream period and then it seems that the dream was full of dreams, because there was nothing else)

I mean the other one. Time for awareness and decision making and the external environment is non-linear. It's not, say, hourly bars. Or weekly ones, for that matter. It is purely event-driven.
If there is anything to transform, it is the latter.

ZS: which word are you avoiding?

А. Fuck it. It's the same old thing.