What form, let's assume a physical body, does time have? Your opinion. - page 29

Topeka starter, where the hell have you been? You raise such an interesting topic and then disappear...
Topeka starter, where the hell have you been? You raise such an interesting topic and then disappear...

Your answer seems to have completely satisfied him.

What form does time have, as a physical body, let's say?

If we measure time by some physical quantity, then maybe it must also have some form?

I would like to hear your opinion.

What do you mean? Just because people have clocks and use them to measure time, I don't think we are measuring the "right" time.)

If there is time, there must also be movement, there is no movement, people have understood it and use changes of coordinates (a system is relative) of a body in space. In fact, we just look where the body was and where it appeared, it is not time that moves the hands of the clock, but a mechanical spring, and if we increase the speed of the hand, can we say that the time is faster (NO). Time as an object (in form and content I cannot imagine).

We don't measure time with watches.

Just observing the movement of the body

ZS: you can disregard my Christmas nonsense. )


What do you mean? Just because people have watches and use them to measure time, I do not mean that we are thereby measuring the "right" time.)

If there is time, there has to be movement, there is no movement, people have understood this and use changes of coordinates (the system is relative) of the body in space. In fact, we just look where the body was and where it appeared, it is not time that moves the hands of the clock, but a mechanical spring, and if we increase the speed of the hand movement, can we say that time went faster (NO). Time as an object (in form and content I cannot imagine).

We do not measure time with watches.

We only observe the movement of the body.

ZS: you can disregard my Christmas nonsense. )

Agreed, nonsense not to be ignored.)))))

But everything else is not meaningless.


Time has one peculiar property - it stretches and compresses in time. When we wait for an event to happen, time seems to drag on very slowly. When it happens and then passes, time seems to go by very quickly. Remember - it happens to everyone. So the spiral, very clearly describes this property - it takes a very long time to get from one point to the other, which is opposite but on a different spiral. But when you get to it, looking back, it turns out that it's very close - on the next coil and you could get to it very quickly, but it's not possible, because we're moving in a spiral. A spiral, just a spiral.

!!!!- )), meant to say change the density?

!!!! - It is only a feeling (like pain etc., pain can be strengthened or weakened), what about the body's ability to sense time, to wake up at the right time outside (biological clock, after weekdays I wake up on weekends at the time when the alarm clock rings on weekdays), how the body understands that it needs to wake up (for example, the length of daylight, temperature, illumination, etc.).

!!!! - it is also a property of the brain to see what it wants ), and what is outside the spiral? why is it impossible to get outside it? ), if a spiral, it seems to me because of convenience of storing information (it turns out compactly ))


Here we go. Biblical symbols gone, is that what you are asking? Otherwise why ask what shape time has?

Here, a couple of quotes:

1) The fall into sin can be thought of as the beginning of time. The serpent (the character in the Fall) is the symbol of time. This aspect is clearly seen in the ancient symbol of the Ouroboros (which means "devouring its own tail"), which was depicted as a serpent swallowing its own tail.

Ouroboros is a symbol of time. As the serpent-uroboros was depicted coiled up in a ring, it would be concluded that time is endless and cyclical. Time (or at least our sense of time) is a ring of infinity, which snatches us like a trap and makes us perpetually turn around in the circle of the fall into sin.

There is another interesting point in the Genesis account. After discovering that the serpent had seduced the woman, God says to him: "Cursed art thou before all the cattle, and before the beasts of the field; thou shalt walk on thy womb, and shalt eat dust all the days of thy life" (Gen. 3:14). This seems to imply that before the fall of sin the ring-shaped serpent-time was stretched out in length, and this corresponds to our perception of time as a linear sequence of moments.

2) The cross is primarily a cross between space and time: the time we perceive as linear is represented by a horizontal line, and the vertical line denotes our position in space. In an esoteric sense, each of us is "crucified" on such a cross.

(c) Richard Smoley, "An Invisible Christianity".

!!!! - he's not devouring, he's covering his tail )

It is the substance in which we exist. Like fish in water. If we take it out, we will die )))
more like a monkey ), no time means everything everywhere at once, a frozen blob in space
I don't know what you're talking about. Physics or psychology. You have to make up your mind. Human perception of time is a separate topic. I take it we're talking about physics ......
I would say that time is perceived by living organisms (I think that stones do not perceive time) and therefore it should be measured by reasonable living organisms - why should not a human being undertake this task? )

If anyone needs me, as an expert, I can talk tomorrow about human perception of time. I am interested in physics. ULAD, do you have any new views?

Stop feeding me breakfast )

Why not? Einstein proved that for fast moving objects, time slows down. A prime example is black holes.

By the way, matter is sucked into a black hole in a spiral, which is probably why people think of time as a spiral.

ZS: I was thinking )), if closer to the centre of black hole time flows slower and longer from the centre faster, then there must be a moment when past will catch up with present )))), or it is like in that problem about turtle and athlete on a hundred metres in which the athlete cannot catch up with the turtle))