Sponsor/investor wanted - page 2


1. What is the min/max profit if the drawdown is not more than 10%? 2-3 months (of course, if the frequency of transactions is adequate). More is better.

2. What are the terms of "once I reach the drawdown"? I.e. at what market condition it is achievable. For example: flat 10 days with diapazon 100p.

3. For example, we need 1000$. Is it a little, or is it just a mass calculation? Or we need 1 investor?

4. If possible, describe in two words what you use for entry-exit, without being specific, of course. For example: does it analyze some chart or just set orders from the current price. If it is possible, of course.

1. It is difficult to say... But about 5% per month, it may "float" in different directions. The more trading history, the bigger is the profit...

2. TS Trend-Flat, it works at any market condition, but the danger is no-trend market conditions, but not a flat.

3. With 1000 $, I will work with DC, where the base contract is equal to 10 000 units, for example Insta. As soon as I have the amount, I will close the topics.

4. the chart is analysed, there are no indicators.

I'm closer to you than you think. You should have your own laptop.

You're cool, just like Pep Guardiola. About "ashamed baetenka" is you in vain, starting conditions are different for everyone and if you have better, then this is no reason to get out....а. And in general, practice shows that whoever has lower starting conditions, has better skills.
I'm closer to you than you think. You should have your own laptop (shame on you, mate)


You think I'm a scourge? I have plenty of possessions. I'm not ashamed, I don't cheat and I don't swindle anyone.


1. Hard to say... but around 5% per month, can "float" in different directions. The more trading history, the more profit...

2. TS Trend-Flat, it works at any market condition, but the danger is no-trend market conditions, but not a flat.

3. With 1000 $, I will work with DC, where the base contract is equal to 10 000 units, for example Insta. As soon as the sum is reached, I will close the themes.

4. analyzing the chart, no indicators.

And what experience do you have of the system now. Real or demo doesn't matter.


Do you think I'm a scourge? I have plenty of possessions. I'm not ashamed, I don't cheat and I don't swindle anyone.

Don't pay any attention to Tantrik, he is self-indulgent.

You're as cool as Pep Guardiola. You shouldn't be ashamed of yourself, everyone has different starting conditions and if you have better ones, that's no reason to be ashamed of yourself. And in general, practice shows that whoever has lower starting conditions, has better skills.
All right! I apologize for overdoing it. On the subject I am not a programmer and yet I would never take someone else's computer! - They will copy the TS and send it to the owner of the computer.

And what experience do you have of the system now. Real or demo doesn't matter.
You can't work properly on a demo... you don't need the aforementioned things for real. The system is not fully operational when you are working on a demo.
All right! I apologize for overdoing it.

All right! I apologise for going too far. On the subject, I am not a programmer and yet I would never take someone else's computer! - They'll copy the TC and send it to the owner of the computer.

Tantrick, it's ok, I'm prepared for any reversal as I understand.... it has to be new tech
neither of these things, there is a technical part of the TS which works without errors, this is the main thing. it is impossible to work fully on a demo ... for real life you need the above-mentioned things.

For real life you need the above-mentioned things.