Forum Annals: Quotes of the day - page 25


But what a flub, Victor, you have inadmissibly dry cut!..!

If I was not so crazy about mathematics, I would start a categorical world campaign for an immediate establishment and award of the Nobel Prize to Mr. Yusufhoja ... er... no, no, not in economics (no merit there yet), but in mathematics!

Nobel did not like mathematicians.

So there was no prize for them.

And the Swedish Bank paid off a trifle for the economics of mathematics.

But it's not a pure Nobel...


Dimka-novitsek: 11.03.2011 17:35

Я вообще в стрингах плохо понимаю,зачем они нужны и вообще как ими пользоваться...

the comrade is on fire here.

the comrade is on fire here.
he's a cool guy in general:)

Yusufhoji's thread, the topicstarter has again delighted (18.03.11 10:24, emphasis mine):

yosuf: Тем не менее, мне удалось выйти на умнейшего и мощнейшего программиста из числа "случайных прохожих", который волей случая заглянул на ветку и которого я берегу как зеницу ока и только ему доверю экзелевский вариант индикатора для случая n=n, которого еще никто и не видел.


Not exactly annals, but fun :

Один индикатор правильный, но работает неправильно ...

The other indicator is wrong, but which works correctly ...

The bug has been fixed. The correct indicator now works correctly. The wrong indicator has to be rewritten correctly ...


Yusufhoji's thread, the topicstarter has again delighted (18.03.11 10:24, emphasis mine):

I do not read the thread for a long time (just a brain explosion), so I laughed tearfully :)))

Alexei, especially you should have highlighted "which no one has seen yet" )))


Yusufhoji's thread, the topicstarter has again delighted (18.03.11 10:24, emphasis mine):...

That's all true, but still, the first post tells us this as well: "There will now be a daily competition for the title of Quote of the Day.

The title of Quote of the Day will be awarded to the statement that is the most prominent in its absurdity from the previous day. There may also be a 'Quote of the Week', or even a 'Quote of the Month' contest in the future.

The rules of the thread are as follows: all quotations, along with the exact link and author, which might qualify for this title, are piled here. Please think seven times before posting a quote here. It really should be a worthy candidate for the title.

Then, when the day is over, a winner is chosen. There may be a case where it is problematic to identify a winner among several citations (hardly more than 2-3). OK, in which case this title is awarded to all competing quotes. Of course, rudeness is not allowed in the competition.
... "

My point is, isn't it about time we had some sort of recap with honouring the worthiest winners?
P.S. And so it turns out that everyone is flocking over here just to have a laugh :-))), but not a single word about the(most worthy) winners... :( - :-)))


In my opinion, it is certain that Yusufhoja is one of the most realistic contenders for the title of winner in several categories (day, week, month) at once. In addition, there was a suggestion from xrust:

наградить автора орденом ефалды

This order should symbolise the many and unique merits of promoting efaldism to the general populace.

Competing proposals are awaited.


alsu 24.03.2011 00:26

Where to read?
Derivatives and integrals - start with the textbook "Algebra and the Beginnings of Analysis. Grade 9. Then go on to textbooks on matanalysis, then some elementary theorist course, and then take it in turns to all the books with clever names.

The list is here.


alsu 24.03.2011 00:26

Where to read?

The list is here.

Who were you talking to just now? :-)))