Forum Annals: Quotes of the day - page 14


What's with the distortion? :D I'm talking about the example where

нужно чтоб тренд кончался вверху :D т.е. в течении тренда цена не поднималась выше своего конца. на то это и тренд)


What's with the distortion? :D I'm talking about an example.

Paukas, if the customer is right, please clarify the quote. Service must be of a high standard, we are strict about that.
Paukas, if the customer is right, please clarify the quote. Service has to be of a high standard, we are strict about that.

Quote from this page
Paukas, if the customer is right, please specify the quote. Service must be of a high standard, we are strict about it.

there is no distortion there (although, of course, the customer is always right... :-)), everything is top-notch):

eddy 18.01.2011 14:28

"you need the trend to end at the top :D i.e. during the trend, the price does not rise above its end. that's what a trend is)"

"eddy 18.01.2011 14:45

i thought everyone understood a trend like i do - a bottom-up movement, i.e. its end is always at its maximum)"

from here - from the penultimate post and the next page.

P.S. I vote - "annal of the day" - ONE.

The original first post on this topic looked like this:
during the trend, the price has not risen above its end
The author then tweaked it. Actually, there is nothing to argue about, there is no rebuke, but a good-natured chuckle. Anyone can get in here.



the market is changing all the time

Nothing changes. The market does the same thing every day. ...
I don't care about statistics, I have my own strategy - I follow the market
Oh, you're going straight into the annals? That's commendable.
come on ) how do i know it's so hard.... I'm not asking to move the Ishimoku. Just move the macd a few bars to the left... it's not symmetrical...

The natural tendency towards order and symmetry aroused the rage of disheveled and unshaven programmers. :))


A natural tendency to order and symmetry aroused the stormy wrath of disheveled and unshaven programmers. :))

I "papraschu"!)))

Firstly, what programmers am I? // Programmers (medium and not) are a dime a dozen, and traders (even medium) are very few and far between...

And secondly... maybe I'm putting a price on a time machine? ))


Following the strict, I would say - Spartan requirements for the content of this thread, this post of mine is subject to deletion. Which I know, I'm aware of and have no regrets.

Date, signature (see above).


Following the strict, I would say Spartan, content requirements of this thread, this post of mine is to be deleted.

"canonical", sorry.