Is there a need for a T.A.? - page 34


Interested to know what your graph looks like. Wouldit be naive to ask for a screenshot?
It's OK. I even think about posting screenshots on a regular basis sometimes, with trades, but they need
to be so detailed... Otherwise people won't understand. And that takes a lot of time.
As a solution, I am publishing last year's one. There is no confirmation of the deal in MT4, but judging by
but judging by the description of the screenshot, it was there.

There is no point in searching forMarket Sentiments Scanner - this is my title.

The process of distribution is highlighted in the screenshot:
The crowd is buying, market makers are selling.
Legitimately there was a reversal at the anticipated point.
As you can see, the drawdown is about 5 pips, the stop loss of 20 pips was
quite normal. Sometimes it is possible to enter the market with
exactly to the pip, but usually the drawdown is up to 20 pips.
If it's the right entry, it's no problem
no problem.


And I am personally sending you a screenshot from yesterday. There are two craps and two profits:
Total +53

I will send you a personal message with a screenshot.


does it work?
For the first couple of years there were video examples from the developer almost every day.
He ran his own forum, people were posting trades... Now the forum is closed
from the public domain. The developer stopped recruiting new clients
because he's not interested in excessive sales of his software.

Besides, I often see what's what, not just post factum, but
but rather on time. I'm just inattentive and miss transactions
or lack of confirmation.
Sometimes, purely technically, I don't have time to concentrate, but
Basically two months June, July with 90 pips of profit
have been pretty stable.

is there an old example video from the author's circle, at least to get an overview of the idea?

And why are you storming the system outside the author's circle, where it would be more appropriate?

haven't you developed sufficient signalling tools over so much time?


is there an old example video from the author, at least to get an overview of the idea?
I am ready to answer all questions. Believe me, it's unrealistic to understand more than I can tell you
in the first couple of months. And then it is quite possible that we will start
storming through the 120th circle of the author's materials, of which there are quite a few. But it's unlikely
will need it.

And why are you storming the system outside the author's circle, it would be more appropriate there, wouldn't it?
Sure, but if you pay him $400 a month like he wants, it would add up to a lot over 3 years.
It was cheaper for me to build a copy.

Hasn't sufficient signaling tools been developed in such a long time?
No. The author convinced me that one should trade with the mind, not with signals, lines, trends.
I believed him but I see that it was wrong. Of course, one must trade with the mind, but tools don't bother anyone
if they characterize the process of capital accumulation/distribution, rather than just
drawing lines by the numbers.

In general, I assumed that I would learn to trade with my mind faster than to develop something additional.
It turned out that my mind is not as ironclad as the developer's and in fact I could use support of

Yes, please note: added a comment to the last screenshot.

Lately I've been more and more inclined to think that there are no unformalizable TCs. It is more likely that the "aptar" is always deliberately trying to insinuate that his TC is unformalizable. For his own purposes, of course. Examples abound.
Lately I've been more and more inclined to think that there are no unformalizable TCs. It is more likely that the "aptar" is always deliberately trying to insinuate that his TC is unformalizable. For his own purposes, of course. Examples abound.

Are you implying that it's easier to win at the lottery than at Forex?

Lately I've been more and more inclined to think that there are no unformalised TCs.
I have the same thoughts. Systems can be formalised to automate at least partially.
But it's quite possible that there are people with a humanities background who don't believe in robots
and any automation. Why not? That could be the case too. But it could also be a deliberate
brainwashing. That's a fact.

Lately I've been more and more inclined to think that there are no unformalizable TCs. It is more likely that the "aptar" is always deliberately trying to insinuate that his TC is unformalizable. For his own purposes, of course. Examples abound.

These are brilliant words, but I, as a non-programmer, had to see for myself

Are you implying that it's easier to win at the lottery than at forex?
I know a trader who went from 100 euros to 600 euros in a week at internet roulette
with the system. He has been going at it for a long time. He demonstrated this in front of all the honest people.
But he clearly understood that this could not last long.

Still, I suggest we concentrate more on trading, if you don't mind.
Lottery, roulette... interesting, but there's certainly not enough to do them all, and without trying it,
it's hard to say which is easier.


Of course, there are individuals on this forum and they are not the right people to join together in a creative association. But still, if you go deeper, collective work has a big payoff. There's a lot of unrealized ideas. There's just not enough time for everything. Please drop me a line if anyone is willing to work in a group.
Thanks for your reply. I think we could at least chat on Skype.

I'll take my leave for now. Still need to work on the podification of the psychology website
until 1am and then rest. :-)