Is there a need for a T.A.? - page 14


Why would you do that? You'd better take a more civic stand - do you use TA?

There are three types of forecasting, FA, TA and Tambourine

FA is not available to us, it is necessary to be soberly evaluated, which requires not only a long time and very deeply in the intricacies of finance, politics, laws, etc., but also to have

this way you will not waste your time for analysis and evaluation but take a decision at the very moment of news publishing.

News that we follow, like nonfarms, rates etc. is a small part of news that affects the market, you can easily find the (paid) software on the Internet to track the news flow.

you can easily find paid newsletters. They even have an indication of the currencies and sectors that will be influenced by the news.

You have to understand that any market deal is a profit of one and a loss of the other, and you should not count on the fact that yesterday's graduate of CDS courses will play against you.

to share or sell with you.

That leaves the tambourine, but that's up to the freelancer.

On history, in hindsight - everything works. In the best possible way. See the CHANNELS thread

Well yes they have worked in the past and in the future, it's just that they don't guarantee 50 pips in every trade. Trends don't reverse every day - believe it. (If you compare forex and music - that would be the composer)


Yes, you probably should.

Andrei, that's not the point and it certainly wasn't meant for you.

Yes, you probably should.

Post deleted

There are three kinds of forecasting, FA, TA and tambourine.

That leaves the tambourine, but that's for a freelancer.

Well, that's a bit of an overreaction to three. There are statistical methods, probabilistic methods, exotic methods, etc.

You just don't have the imagination.


Well yes they work in the past and in the future, they just don't guarantee 50 pips in every trade. Trends don't reverse every day - believe it. (If you compare forex to music it would be the composer)

Let them give you 1 pip guaranteed. But they don't!

let them give you a guaranteed 1 point. But they don't!
And they won't.

You clearly have a problem with logic. Do you think notes are to blame?)

There is a craft, no matter what it is: shoemaking, blacksmithing or musicianship. You can learn the craft, because there are certain methods of the craft. Exactly how to do something. How to do it properly. There are geniuses who do it, but do it better than others, much better. There are simple craftsmen who do not reach for the stars but live their craft.

I asked a specific question: is there a clear TA system of stable profits?

There is nothing wrong with my logic. You must have read my post from the end somehow. I don't understand, are we discussing the TA as such, or systems based on it?
There is nothing wrong with my logic. You must have read my post from the end somehow. I don't understand, are we discussing the TA as such, or systems based on it?

The TA as such. Fuck it!


You are guided by theories. But a profitable TS as a hobby does not equal a profitable TS as real money.

You can wait for good, confident, signals, but then you are completely dependent on the market. If you don't have these signals for two months, you will sit tight! A couple of times you withdraw money from the account, and then you will only play for reinstatement of the deposit, not for profit... And the option of a large depot and waiting for good signals does not work, if you have such money, you can find a much more profitable use.

Doesn't anyone confuse that regularly almost all TA methods use the same signal? It seems to be good, but for whom? Is it good when you can see where all the small fish have bought in and put stops?