Is there a need for a T.A.? - page 36


That's right - a chance. And that chance may always go to anyone but you.

I like clear patterns better than blind chance. The identification of any pattern is formalizable. That's what I wanted to say.

But some figures use the "unformalizability" of their TC only to make money from their seminars, books, workshops and other relatively honest ways of taking money from the public.

Here I completely agree with you.

The definition of TA is given in the follow-up thread - look it up.

TA is not what you think it is. It is not a prediction. To make a long story short.

Only a few people use TA. The rest think TA doesn't work.


Guys! At least look up the meaning, semantics of the word ANALYSIS in the dictionary. What is there to talk about?



And there are such pigs in the tundra... )))))))))))))

Did you think there were mammoths waiting for their moment of glory? Under a layer of permafrost? ))))))))))))


Hey, Tundra? Why look in that thread? Why not elsewhere? Books don't work? THE ONLY RIGHT AND THE ONLY RIGHT AND THE ONLY RIGHT AND THE ONLY RIGHT? Does everyone think they're doing TA and you're the only one who's really doing it?

Don't get clever, give a definition. Send it to a branch with over a dozen pages. - is a subtle move.


Only a few people use TA. The rest think TA doesn't work.

Can you imagine giving your true definition of Physics and being surprised to find that all the other scientists don't do fucking Physics? Bummer

And in the end come to the conclusion that according to your definition Einstein was not a physicist, but rather a nerd.


Fools, are they...


Vitya! So what? Am I not supposed to talk to this cattle in a normal way? Only primary signs of a human being...

Take it down...


Fools, are they...


Vitya! So what? Am I not supposed to talk to this cattle in a normal way? Only primary signs of a human being...

Take it down...

Petya, is Vitya a waiter for you? Cut the crap. Fools were, are and will be.

Misha. Should I wipe myself with a tablecloth? Yeah. (chuckles) And blow my nose in the curtain. Any other requests?

I'm not a moderator.


Misha. Should I wipe myself with a tablecloth? Yeah. (chuckles) And blow my nose in the curtain. Any other requests?

I'm not a moderator.

He's not a babysitter either.

If you set out to call every fool on this forum a fool, you can use private, but it's no use, either.


If your aim is to call every fool on the forum a fool, you could use private messaging, but it's no use either

No, not the harmless ones. The gene pool of the nation)