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0 C. Distilled water freezes. Water in the Wanda River (in Finland) thickens slightly.
5 C. People in California are frozen almost to death. Finns go for their last kebabs before winter.
10 C. Brits turn on the heating in their homes. Finns wear long-sleeved shirts.
20 C. Australians fly to Mallorca. Finns celebrate Midsummer - autumn has arrived.
30 C. People in Greece die of cold and disappear from the face of the earth. Finns start washing laundry indoors.
40 C. Paris is falling apart from the cold. Finns queue at hot dog stands.
50 C. Polar bears begin their evacuation from the North Pole. The Finnish army postpones "winter survival" drills until real winter arrives.
60 C. Korvatunturi (Father Christmas' house) is frozen over. Finns rent a video and stay home.
70 C. Traitor Santa leaves for the south. The Finns feel thirsty as they cannot keep Kossa (Finnish vodka) out in the cold. The Finnish army goes out for winter exercises.
183 C. Germs are dying. Finnish cows complain that milkmaids have cold hands.
273 C. The movement of all molecules stops. Finns swear "Perkele, it's cold outside today".
300 C. Hell freezes over. The Finns win the Eurovision cup. The Russians are shivering and beginning to question global climate warming


Swetten & gip

I don't know "who started it first", but any further posts you make that have a personal connotation will be deleted. If you "can't help it", you'd better step away from the forum or computer... for a while...


1. I didn't start the rant;

2. back off.


Wow, that's quite a hit about starvation! And then Svetka's ego only...

Alexei Sergeev asked if I was wrong about the groups of rats... No, you didn't.

I would like to add a little about official medicine and its attitude to fasting. There was a program on TV with Gordon at night. He was inviting experts. One time he invited some difficult medics. One was a PhD, one was an academic, I think... They were talking about cloning and its prospects. The prospect of organ cloning was being discussed at the time. And then this candidate - and here I was about to fall off my chair - said that there is no need to clone organs, because the same process of regeneration occurs when you starve yourself. And only starvation produces new stem cells that produce other cells. Thus, one can always have a young body. Finally, I thought, official medicine has recognised this!

In fact, life expectancy is not limited by anything. It can only be limited by human laziness and not thinking about it properly.


Swetten & gip

I don't know "who started it first", but any further posts you make that have a personal connotation will be deleted. If you "can't help it", you'd better step away from the forum or the computer... for a while...

Me! Rub me! And leave them alone - I wonder how they'll end up there... // Sveta! I'm getting a little jealous...

Anything's better than the locs or martin... Or, not to mention the SBs and theorwers. )))


Me! Rub me! Leave them alone - I wonder how they'll end up there... // Sveta! I'm getting a little jealous...

Anything's better than the locs or martin... Or, not to mention the SBs and theorwers. )))

Which one to which one?

Sorry, it slipped out.


It's all pop... ducks and all. You don't have to do anything, you don't have to starve yourself or overeat. (If the body will repair the diseased organ - what's the point of stem cells)

Which one to which one?

Sorry, it slipped out.


Mm-hmm. It just burst out and runs around. Laughing with idiotic laughter. The orderlies run after him with curses and bandages. The head doctor apologises to the visitors for the ugly scene.
It's all pop...ducks and all. You don't have to do anything, you don't have to starve yourself or overeat. (If the body will repair the diseased organ - what's the point of stem cells)
Let me be clear - I did not express my attitude on this issue and you don't have to convince me of anything :)

Wow, the starvation thing really hit the spot!

You would have been written up as a heretic and burnt at the stake! )))