Help is needed to get the "Russian Fires 2010" portal up and running quickly. ( - page 40


"Independence day" - President of USA

Yeah. And now Luzhkov's back. I think he's going to put it out too. Or, at the very least, he will sit on a watering can.

An old joke (I was reminded of it today):
- Who are you?
- I am Mayor Luzhkov!
- Go back to your Luzhkovs!


Sveta will be back to explain to you that this is the first and not the co-pilot's seat.

I wonder if there is any other country where the prime minister is putting out fires instead of organising the process.

Well, it's all organized... going on autopilot.


Vladimir Putin personally took part in extinguishing natural fires in Ryazan region

They let the child play on the plane. Nauseous.


Firefighters of hell


- What happened to Russia?

- It burned down



They let the kid play on the plane. Nauseating.

I don't understand why this senile old man got in the way at such an important time. How many people were involved in this show? Instead of doing business.

What a bunch of jerks. Instead of showing their microscopic organizational skills, they're doing some bullshit.

If you sum up how they act in this situation, they both need a kick in the ass.

Maybe you don't have to. They chose who they wanted. That's what they got.



I wonder if in any other country, the prime minister is busy putting out fires instead of organising the process

Yes, in Ukraine when Yushchenko was president, he taught Minister Shufrych how to put out fires with a shovel (played by Putin, who is he by the way?:).

Russia will create a National Climate Centre

"A Jew won't make a cross until there's a pogrom" (c)

Yes, in Ukraine, when Yushchenko was president, he taught Minister Shufrych how to put out fires with a spatula (he played Putin, who was that by the way?:).
Uh-huh. And where is Yushchenko now? Maybe Poo too... that one...