EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 2) - page 698

He writes it that way on purpose) he leaves himself room for retreat )) If price goes up, he says: I told you to buy, why did not you buy? And if the price goes down, he says: I did not say buy, I said buy-bye, good night)))))

It won't go up far.

won't go far upwards.
And I agree. I see a target of 1.3748, but it may move based on market conditions
чуток вниз скакануло и все подумали что вниз идем?

You are Ustim Akimych, however, set up an argument.

Fuck you all, I mean with the drawdown, gentlemen ))

target 3795, imho. Not sure


But fuck you all, I mean with the drawdown, gentlemen ))

Arc Professor, be more specific, we don't understand you
And if it goes up the fifth, please analyze the same on the threefolds.

Fuck you all, I mean with the drawdown gentlemen ))

target 3795, imho. Not sure.

I actually put the stop at breakeven and went to 0. I'm looking for a moment to reenter the buy.

My opinion, the target is 1.4150 and nothing else.

we don't understand you

IMHO - the closest target is 3775...95, which is much clearer. Everything contributes to it. Then the correction... for those who "go up" )))

Breakeven - it is unreal )))) Judging by this post - a drawdown of 1000 points.

I agree with Valio
Already closer to the baja...... watch.... analyse...there won't be a bai for 3-4 hours at least, so who wants to sleep in, go ahead, but not for long...
Already closer to the bayou...... watch.... analysing...