EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 2) - page 195

Ollleg: (sorry - writing without a button and in the dark... mobile internet...)

1. What is this button?

2. Where is it so dark at 18:50 Moscow time? Well... I understand that Russia is big, but I'm curious.

So what about the Euro, gentlemen? Shall we fly or dig?
well... I don't know about casinos, no experience... but I just had the urge (sorry - I'm writing without a button and in the dark... mobile internet...) to write - I apologize in advance for the button and the obtrusiveness, I probably won't write in the next 1.5 years ;)
In the basement where you sit... the button will be found... we'll wait 1.5 years...

No Elliott waves, just an estimated price direction for the coming week, which the EA draws as a red line, based on the analysis of several indicators. And you say casino.

well... I don't know about casinos, no experience... but I just had the urge (sorry - I'm writing without a button and in the dark... mobile internet...) to write - I apologize in advance for the button and the intrusiveness, I probably won't write in the next 1.5 years ;)

Feel the urge to write ---- WRITE! Share your opinion, argue (but correctly) if you disagree. That's why we communicate like this. Everyone makes up his or her own mind. And often, you're right, people get confused by unpredictable market movements. I admit that many traders have work to do and they can not always be distracted. I just turn off the terminal for 2-3 hours after entering and placing orders.

No Elliott waves, just an estimated price direction for the coming week, which the EA draws as a red line, based on the analysis of several indicators. And you say casino.

Betting on red?

Sort of!))

Mathemat 21.07.2010 18:53 
Ollleg: (сорри- пишу без кнопки и в темноте... мобильный инэт...)

1. Что за кнопка такая?

2. Где так темно в 18:50 мск? Ну... я понимаю, что Россия большая, но любопытно.
(Мош не правильно сделал,не умею вставлять цитаты, ну - как есть...)


today with bernanke's speech will start a hard up and down movement until the close of trading on pt...we will be brainstorming about the stress tests this weekend and adequate market movements will start on pt!


No Elliott waves, just an estimated price direction for the coming week, which the EA draws as a red line, based on the analysis of several indicators. And you say casino.

If you can, drop me a link to this EA.