EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 2) - page 548


The pound is down it seems.

"Let's go canvas :))))"

- I can put them away if they disturb your sleep :)))

The dollar index will not fall long .... I expect a serious rebound from the red line ...I think it will affect not only the currency market yu at least this level will slow down trends against the dollar
Let's go canvas:)))

Let's go canvas:)))

Let's go to bed)))

Benya will wake you up in an hour

The quid seems to be waking up. It's going down

Thank you all

As for the Euro, I reckon it will go down and slow down somewhere at 1.3860/1.3850, if it lingers below this point it will go down to 1.3730/1.3720

they go one way..... the difference is in the number of pips))))
The dollar index will not fall long .... I expect a serious rebound from the red line ...I think it will affect not only the currency market yu at least this level will slow down trends against the dollar

76.92 failed to break through 2 times, and the 3rd time didn't come close..... should bounce back imho...
and you think the euras are going down and the aud or the novozel are going up)? they go in the same direction..... the difference is in the number of pips)))

Did I say that?

I'm sitting on a Sell on EUR/USD, NZD/USD, AUD/USD all go Sell


Still awake my friends ???

I think the dollar is going to sell off a bit more across the currency spectrum.

The eurik and the aussie and the new zealand.

and then after that we're gonna go down.


Still awake my friends ???

I think the dollar is going to sell off a bit more across the currency spectrum.

The eurik and the aussie and the new zealand.

and then after that we'll go down.

You, Mrs. Galina, are talented at everything.

Like Caesar.

Even the text in two hands you type and send :)))

I'm sleepy and downstairs.

And a cutlet.

Like a school cutlet.

