EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 2) - page 231


Nope , just lived in Mongolia for 4 years. why?)

Which town? I graduated from school in Erdenet.

Tell me, the sells in the pound forecasts, did they all close on tp too?

Which town? I finished school in Erdenet.

I am in Burundur, but the kindergarten...:)

Tell me, the sels in the pound forecasts, have they all closed on tp too?

In my case, if one of the forecast positions closes on the TP, then the forecast as a whole is considered as executed, i.e. the opposite direction is cancelled.

No targets (forecast) at the moment.

So, Mongolians))), what are your thoughts for this week?

Based on the trending nature of price movements, I think we will soon be told what the hell happened in America.

I'm not Mongolian. ps: Not Mongols, but descendants of Genghis Khan :)


I'm expecting an impulse wave up, from here or from a small pullback.

Going up so far, a pullback to 1.3025 is possible from 1.31.
The EUR index stopped rising on 19.07.2010 and is stagnating, but the USD keeps falling against all currencies, why is that?
So, Mongolians))), what are your thoughts for this week?

Where have you been? The trend is there, winding down until Uncle Spirandeo tells you to look for adventure. You shouldn't have any doubts at all until 1.39, since the beginning of June at the head of the column in the baja. One Gyp has dressed up as a blonde on this trek and keeps trying to break away and shore up Ms Galina.


Have you been having problems in the forum? Feel better? Go take some pills.

By the way, why do you always feel so bad that you get diarrhoea and vomit pouring out of you? Do you have to live with your wife and look at her every day?

Look at you.
Look at you:(

And you never had the courage to say why you think Galina is Niroba?

It's funny how your version is that Rekker was hitting on Niroba, giving her flowers :)))