grail works and you rest )))) - page 10


"In the investment market, however, these companies still lead the way. As The Wall Street Journal notes, during the first quarter of 2010, Goldman Sachs traders did not have a single day of losses for the first time in the bank's history. The bank's daily net income was more than $25 million. At the same time, at the end of 35 business days, the average daily earnings were over $100m. Morgan Stanley traders earned an average of $118m a day."

The grail is the forex market with unlimited opportunities!

For me, $10,000 a month would be a grail...

Why did they only write about the first quarter of 2010? And why didn't they write about the BREAKFAST EVERY DAY of 2009? FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER A BREAKEVEN QUARTER.

And their trading capital is how many billions?

Case in point: FA - opened a short position in the euro at the start of the year and are holding it.

If I had that much money, I would buy one official each in a cadre of countries and have an insider


Why did they only write about the first quarter of 2010? And why didn't they write about the BEZYLESS quarter of 2009? FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER A BREAK-EVEN QUARTER.

And their trading capital is how many billions?

Case in point: FA - opened a short position in the euro at the start of the year and are holding it.

If I had that much money, I would buy one official each in a cadre of countries and have an insider

This is the latest news! previous quarters have been written about before...

"In the investment market, however, these companies still lead the way. As The Wall Street Journal notes, during the first quarter of 2010, Goldman Sachs traders did not have a single day of losses for the first time in the bank's history. The bank's daily net income was more than $25 million. At the same time, at the end of 35 business days, the average daily earnings were over $100m. Morgan Stanley traders earned an average of $118m a day."

The grail is the forex market with unlimited opportunities!

For me $10,000 a month would be a grail...

What if you play for $10,000,000?

Wouldn't that be a little low and would that risk be worth it?

Wouldn't it be easier to define through % per annum, which would be no less than the % on less risky businesses?


What if you play $10,000,000?

Wouldn't that be a bit small and would that risk be worth it?

Wouldn't it be easier to determine through a % per annum, which would be no less than the % on less risky types of business?

10,000 to play and 10,000 to have, and it's fine, and then the capital you have can be disposed of profitably...

100% per month. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

That's what I want too. And so does everybody else. But I haven't seen it. I've seen smaller ones. And 100% per month on the real at least 3 - 4 months.... Nope, haven't seen it. Although I have seen relatively little.

Naaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrooood! Who has seen such a thing? Honestly! And not in real life! And not a history tester!


IMHO if the TS is based on TA, then you should take into account that the patterns found and put in its basis tend to come to naught. TS should have the property of adaptation. Although I personally am very humorous about all TA, as I have repeatedly written about.

IMHO if the TS turns out to be promising and you switch to trading with normal money and your TS is manual, there may be psychological problems.

yes on TA, the expert is optimised every day


Wouldn't it be easier to determine through % per annum, which would be no less than % for less risky types of business?

I'm always amazed when Forex is called a risky kind of business, because I think that living in the former Soviet Union is more risky :)

If you do not play computer games Forex - but to analyze and gain experience, to study the indicators and the selection of indicators for your TS, it's not risky business - but just a job.

ZS: just when I wrote in my previous post - 20 pips done and it's enough, I entered the eur 1.2093 - clearly, on the reversal, 10 min ago I had a profit of about 20 pips, but here's the greed.... :) and now I'm just waiting to break-even, because I got a stop at 1.2093


100% per month. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

That's what I want too. And so does everybody else. But I haven't seen it. I've seen smaller ones. And 100% per month on the real at least 3 - 4 months.... Nope, haven't seen it. Although I have seen relatively little.

Naaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrooood! Who has seen such a thing? Honestly! And not in real life! And not a history tester!

20,000 for 10,000 - 50% so even more relaxed...(and you have to work, especially if you're young...)

yes on TA, the expert is optimised every day

If it's not too much trouble, will you post the result of 3 months. If +, I long ago promised to apologise to all TA for my boorish attacks in his direction.

Although I've mouthed it in several forums, no one has ever proved to me that TA is more alive than dead.


I'm always amazed when Forex is called a risky business, because I think that living in the former Soviet Union is more risky :)

If you do not do "computer games" - but analysis, gaining experience, studying the indicators and the selection of indicators for your TS, then it's not risky business - but just a job.

ZS: just when I wrote in my previous post - 20 points made and that's enough, I entered the EUR at 1.2093 - clearly, on the reversal, 10 minutes ago I had a profit of about 20 points, but here's the greed.... :) and now I'm just waiting for breakeven, because I had a stop at 1.2093

Explain to me, please, forex is a game with a slightly negative bottom line (with a positive bottom line due to currency issue and minus spreads, commissions, etc.). Let's say there are 1,000 players. Consequently, for one to win 1,000, someone has to lose, let's say 1,001.

AND EVERYONE IS DOING ANALYSIS, GAINING EXPERIENCE, ETC. AT THE SAME TIME. How is it determined who will win? After all all are equally engaged in analysis, etc. All analyze the same thing - price, volume, macro news. And the TA indicators are known to all.

How is a winner determined?