Do you have any tactics for dealing with the loca? - page 25


The picture is all there.... save it if you're interested now (hidden advertising)

We know what it is in the picture.

And here is my picture. First opened a 1 lot sit, then immediately buy 1 lot. First I opened 1 lot, then immediately buy 1 lot and close it. As the result there are no open positions. Then I repeated the same two operations:

Now I will tell you. My understanding of the problem. In figurative terms.

Let's say we have a river. In order to benefit from it, apart from fish and indescribable beauty, we decide to build a dam. The energy from the dam will be proportional to the volume of water flowing through it. This is the classical linear overturning TS.

After some thought, we decide to put many small turbines along the river to catch all the shallow currents and turbulence, if possible. But there was a problem: the engineer was a crook and he put turbines not all in right direction, and in order to compensate counter-flow he put turbines in opposite direction, so we got looped flows - where flow directions coincided with turbine's revolution there was direct positive current and where they did not coincided, we got counter-flow. And the benefit was only a detriment, having to change blown windings and other nuisances from time to time. These are the locked positions.

On a neighbouring river they calculated it right and correctly placed the turbines all over the river. As a result, the total volume of water flowing through all the small turbines turned out to be much higher than on one large turbine, even taking into account that the efficiency is not 100%. This is my approach.


OK, I'm going to bed now. My mind is tired. Tomorrow I'll be smoking bamboo and thinking a lot about it.

Although I should probably create a separate topic for that, shouldn't I? It's too loCal.


Didn't expect that. :о)

You forgot about the equity formula.

By closing at 300 you will move the aggregate position in MT4 in the vicinity of 1.225.

I.e. 300 for a decrease in volume. and 2 x -50=-100 for a shift in aggregate position.

That's 200.

Why fool yourself? The balance isn't important.

And in MT5 it's fair and clear.


the same 200 in profit. and the total position in place is 1.22 ;)


Yes, I see your point.

It is clear that the aggregate will move. Your calculations are clear too.

In a netting system I cannot close 1 lot open at 1.2100. But I can calculate the volume to be closed, so the result on the balance will be the same, i.e. equivalent to the opening of the second and third poses. In principle this will be enough, I hope.


We know what it is in the picture.

And here is my picture. First opened a 1 lot sit, then immediately buy 1 lot. First I opened 1 lot, then immediately buy 1 lot and close it. As the result there are no open positions. Then I repeated the same two operations:

Now I will tell you. My understanding of the problem. In a figurative way.

I have no locks :-((. But I can close open positions selectively - even if only profitable ones...

Yeah, I hear you.

It's clear that the aggregate will move. Your calculations are clear too.

In netting system I cannot close 1 lot opened at 1.2100. But I can calculate the volume to be closed, so the result on the balance will be the same, i.e. equivalent to the opening of the second and third poses. In principle this will be enough, I hope.

Here is the consensus.

And the fact that the cumulative hasn't moved is an added bonus.


Netting is different.

We open three positions:

- at 16:00 at 1.2100 1 lot,

- at 17:00 1.2200 1 lot,

- 18:00 at 1.2300 1 lot.

The current price is 1.2400.

Netting sees everything as a single 3 lot position with a breakeven price of 1.2200. Covering part of the position (1 lot) will bring a profit of 1.2400 - 1.2200 = 200 pips.

And I want to cover exactly the first open and only it (profit should be 300 = 1.2400 - 1.2100, like in good old MT4 without netting). It's not just my whim but part of my system.

Who will teach me how to do the same in netting? And who after that will say that everything we did in MT4 can be done in a netting accounting system?

Cumulative 3 lots , sell current 1 lot

Or am I too sleepy to understand it yet?

I have no locks :-((. But I can close open positions selectively - even if only profitable ones...
I'm telling you, we know. We're MTs - Phils. We don't need anything else. But you won't be able to do A.T.C. Not now, not later... Although... You can look at my PBX on MT and open it manually there....

OK, let's go at it from the other side.

I have three different strategies: long term, medium term and short term.

In MT4 I put them in the same terminal and go ahead.

In total, they may well open opposite trades to each other, although the strategies themselves are strictly reversible.

What should I do in MT5?

Open three different accounts?

I'm telling you, we do. We're MTs - Phils. That's all we need. But you won't be able to do A.T.C. Not now, not later... Although... You can look at my PBX on MT and open it manually there....
You need an advanced robot to bang on the keyboard! How's a PBX better than a manual?

OK, let's go at it from the other side.

I have three different strategies: long term, medium term and short term.

In MT4 I put them in the same terminal and go ahead.

In total, they may well open opposite trades to each other, although the strategies themselves are strictly reversible.

What should I do in MT5?

Open three different accounts?

I already answered a similar question. Are you ignoring it or not reading it...


And the progies will still have to be rewritten. Put in my recommendations on takeprofits and stoplosses.