We need a second head, or even two, like the Garrynych kite. - page 10


1) But, agree, it is not superfluous to emphasise it unnecessarily.

2) With persistent persistence, people try to guess rather than figure out what is going on at any given moment. Hence the constant nonsense about TA not working and other nonsense.

1) I agree, it is not superfluous.

2) Yes, it's the same thing year after year. Everyone has the same mistakes, judging by the forum. Apparently, that's the way human beings are - everyone develops the same way to one degree or another. But there are exceptions. :)


And so! If all the bright heads have already gathered, I suggest we start brainstorming - one head is good and many is even better!

Mission Statement:

To create a system of TS self-regulation based on the principle of feedback in amplifiers, i.e. for one functional unit to shift the TS settings parameters in a wide range due to feedback, keeping them, according to certain criteria, in the bounds close to the ileal within a wide range of quote changes. At the initial stage I suggest accepting Maschka as the base of the TS, it will help develop a generalized algorithm of self-regulation of TS, which later expanding the criteria can be applied to more complex systems.

In order to solve this task it is necessary to determine:

1. What to take as a parameter to be regulated;

2. What to take as the standard to which adjustable parameters are to be shifted;

3. What compliance criteria to use;

4. Which feedback control algorithm to use.

As we have only one parameter determining the state of the system, for the first item we take the signal line of the indicator itself as a parameter to be regulated.

On the second point, we take an ideal Mashka as a reference.

We will omit the regulation of the phase response of the signal on the first step, it would be necessary to perform a prediction system and limit ourselves to the amplitude response of the indicator signal. As a criterion of correspondence on the third point, we will use the delta - the difference between the ideal and real Mashas (see the figure, the pink one is the ideal, and the red one is the real Mashas). If this delta is constant all the time, it will not give us anything, we will only increase the amplitude of the real Mask without any qualitative change in the TS operation. The trick is that this delta must dynamically change due to the feedback algorithm and be added to the Mach Mach signal line, then while maintaining the same phase characteristics, we will get an improvement in the amplitude response close to that drawn by the ideal Mach.

And if, for instance, the TS strategy is based on changing the slope angle of the indicator signal line, in this case we will get the improvement of the system characteristics.

Now gentlemen, switch on your bright heads - we're moving on to brainstorming, the collective wisdom will prevail!

We need to decide what feedback algorithm to use to correct the signal line of the real Mashka to the smoothness of the ideal.

All variants are taken into consideration, the result may be some solution that allows creating a system of regulating feedback for the adaptation of the TS to the changing market situations.

This is a simplified model, but once the reference points are identified, it will be possible to build on them and extrapolate the solution to more complex TSs.


Following, not anticipating. But, agree, it is not unreasonable to emphasise this once again.

Following and predicting in this context are the same because in both cases a decision is made based on previous data in the hope that following the calculated direction in the past will continue, and in case of a change of direction the TA will have time to notice it and also to change direction. In general, the analogy with predicting the future with a dashboard.
Following and predicting in this context is the same because in both cases the decision is made based on previous data in the hope that following the calculated direction in the past will continue, and in case of a change of direction the TA will have time to notice it and also to change direction. In general, the analogy with predicting the future with a dashboard.


I see. That's why I say it's worth mentioning on occasion. Although I think it's a futile exercise. The stubbornness of some is astounding. And to your detriment.

Please do not be offended, but what you say indicates a complete illiteracy and lack of utilitarian experience in the trade. OK. I'm already bored of spelling it out. If you are interested, you will find it (or come to it). No - well, I'm not hired to be a missionary here.



I see. That's why I say it's worth mentioning on occasion. Although I think it's a futile exercise. The stubbornness of some is astonishing. And to your detriment.

Please do not be offended, but what you say indicates a complete illiteracy and lack of utilitarian experience in the trade. OK. I'm already bored of spelling it out. If you are interested, you will find it (or come to it). No - well, I'm not hired to be a missionary here.


Well, I said the same thing as you did, in fact... I just described in simple terms what it means to follow the market... IMHO, of course. And you responded with a tirade about missionary (?). :))



Well, I said the same thing as you did, in fact... I just described in simple terms what it means to follow the market... IMHO, of course. And you responded with a tirade about missionary (?). :))

))) Okay. Let's move on. Think whatever you like.
))) Okay. Let's move on. Think what you like.

Actually, don't focus on me and my thoughts so much... You'd better share your thoughts about the "perfect" Mashka with the tipstarter.

Maybe you happen to have something to say from your vast trading experience?


And so! If all the bright heads have already gathered, I suggest we start brainstorming - one head is good and many is even better!

Mission Statement:

To create a system of TS self-regulation based on the principle of feedback in amplifiers, i.e. for one functional unit to shift the TS settings parameters in a wide range due to feedback, keeping them, according to certain criteria, in the bounds close to the ileal within a wide range of quote changes. At the initial stage I suggest accepting Maschka as the base of the TS, it will help develop a generalized algorithm of self-regulation of TS, which later expanding the criteria can be applied to more complex systems.

In order to solve this task it is necessary to determine:

1. What to take as a parameter to be regulated;

2. What to take as the standard to which adjustable parameters are to be shifted;

3. What compliance criteria to use;

4. Which feedback control algorithm to use.

As we have only one parameter determining the state of the system, for the first item we take the signal line of the indicator itself as a parameter to be regulated.

On the second point, we take an ideal Mashka as a reference.

We will omit the regulation of the phase response of the signal on the first step, it would be necessary to perform a prediction system and limit ourselves to the amplitude response of the indicator signal. As a criterion of correspondence on the third point, we will use the delta - the difference between the ideal and real Mashas (see the figure, the pink one is the ideal, and the red one is the real Mashas). If this delta is constant all the time, it will not give us anything, we will only increase the amplitude of the real Mask without any qualitative change in the TS operation. The trick is that this delta must dynamically change due to the feedback algorithm and be added to the Mach Mach signal line, then while maintaining the same phase characteristics, we will get an improvement in the amplitude response close to that drawn by the ideal Mach.

And if, for instance, the TS strategy is based on changing the slope angle of the indicator signal line, in this case we will get the improvement of the system characteristics.

Now gentlemen, switch on your bright heads - we're moving on to brainstorming, the collective wisdom will prevail!

We need to decide what feedback algorithm to use to correct the signal line of the real Mashka to the smoothness of the ideal.

All variants are taken into consideration, the result may be some solution that allows creating a system of regulating feedback for the adaptation of the TS to the changing market situations.

This is a simplified model, but having found the reference points, you can start from them and extrapolate the solution to more complex TS.

Maschka only smoothes out the fluctuations. A little better, a little worse is not essential

So you've got the perfect mashka. What's next?


Zero bar is essentially the boundary of the correct value of the Machka reading, add inertia and deadlock. Without fuel in the form of new bars Mashka does not live, and where will the new bars lead??????

The only clues are in the range of price deviation from Mashka above and below and its crossing. No matter how you look at it, new blocks are needed:)

Mate waiting in our, hopeless case is pointless. // who are not in the know - it's a simple. MA.
The wrong tool.

Although... Maybe it's the right one...)) Just never looked at it that way...