We need a second head, or even two, like the Garrynych kite. - page 3

I was following this path in my previous TCs, but never came to an acceptable result, it's like a patchwork quilt, you patch in one place, tear in another, and so on without end, to be honest, I got tired of it, I wanted to try something new.
You just have to start from scratch, as it were, with what TC is based on. I had a little fun yesterday, I pursued my own goals and simplified the ways of earning money to the limit. So we all do arbitrage, two of its types we will omit for lack of use - it is a hypostasis of other organizations, and only temporary arbitrage is suitable for us. That is, if from the very beginning you do market research to find the answer to what the demand will be and what made it happen, then you try to remove the inaccuracies through MM. If from the very beginning your actions are not clear to yourself - it is better not to waste time and rethink everything, as nerves are more expensive.
You just have to start from scratch, as it were, with what the TC is based on. I was having a little fun yesterday, pursuing my own goals and simplifying the ways of earning money to the limit. So we all do arbitrage, two of its types we will omit for lack of use - it is a hypostasis of other organizations, and only temporary arbitrage is suitable for us. That is, if from the very beginning you do market research to find the answer to what the demand will be and what made it happen, then you try to remove the inaccuracies through MM. If from the very beginning your actions are not clear - better not to waste time and reconsider everything, your nerves are more expensive.
I did not understand your post.
I did not understand your post.
It's a bot bot generator. Fills websites with content for a small fee.
I did not understand your post.
Only you can give the answer to the topic of this thread - that's my point. If initially you do not know yourself in search of what signs you process statistics, then no indicators will not help - it will tear somewhere, and the answer why - can not give anyone, just do not know where to start thinking. I don't know if it will help, but from personal experience, I was at your stage when I realised I didn't understand what I was doing and why, and I'm not the only one.
It's a bot bot generator. Fills websites with content for a small fee.
Reshetov, I seem to be speaking in platitudes. I didn't think you were a forum trader, to be honest.
You are the only one who can give the answer to this topic - that's my point. If initially you do not know yourself in search of what signs you process statistics, then no indicators will not help - it will tear somewhere, and answer why - no one can, just do not know where to start thinking. I don't know if it will help, but from personal experience, I was at your stage when I realised I didn't understand what I was doing and why, and I'm not the only one.

I didn't say I didn't understand what I was doing, I'm still sane and sober. And the theme was created to find out if someone has squeezed more out of primitive ts on one mashka, or this is its limit. And if there are options, then, to discuss it, and perhaps cooperate.
Reshetov, and I seem to be speaking in platitudes. To be honest, I didn't think you were a forum trader.
Reshetov is a ptfe trader, he came in with a portfolio and left with a portfolio.

There are even too many of them, not enough time to go through them all, that's why I asked for advice. I can, of course, connect other indicators, including the dummy, but in this case I will go back to my previous variants, the complication of the system reduces its stability, I would like not to complicate it.

Perhaps you should reconsider the indicators you use. Too many adjustable parameters suggests their lack of versatility and limited use, and as a consequence, the work is limited only on small parts of the history. Try to reduce the number of parameters to a minimum, for example, by automatically calculating parameters on the fly.

Ideally there should be no manual parameters, everything should be determined by itself according to the situation. I think this is quite obvious, although difficult to achieve, but it is the only right way.


Perhaps you should reconsider the indicators you use. Too many adjustable parameters suggests their lack of versatility and limited use, and as a consequence, the work is limited only on small parts of the history. Try to reduce the number of parameters to a minimum, for example, by automatically calculating parameters on the fly.

Ideally, there should not be any manual parameters - everything should be determined by itself according to the situation. I think this is quite obvious, although difficult to achieve, but it is the only right way.

I agree with you, it's hard to find a compromise, I use only my own indicators and trying to make them more universal, but the other side of the coin, the universality leads to the complexity of setup which I have not managed to automate yet and as a result - unstable operation of TS in different market phases, in some, as you see on the state, in others - losses.
Angela: Thank you! It's nice to have a head of one's own, but sometimes it gets stuck .............

I once asked a professor a question while sitting at a university desk. The professor got stuck and was silent for two minutes, staring at one point. This caused laughter in the audience. The professor then left the classroom, returned about twenty minutes later and scribbled formulas all over the blackboard. This was the answer to my question. He was asked where he had gone. It turned out that he had gone for a walk.