What happened to Doe last night? - page 3

Mathemat >>:
Какая же это иллюзия, Алекс... Просто их надо правильно готовить.
Есть еще один признак - он известен: перед крахом резко вырастает волатильность. На дневках это видно. Так что Ренессанс наверняка не пролетел...
P.S. Где-то было предчувствие, что вторая волна кризиса начнется именно с этой точки, Фибы.

Well, we have found out what the crisis picture looks like, because it only came to us this year, and in Moscow we have already forgotten about it :), so life in Mother Russia is like Eliot waves, it starts with a mistake in America, then Europe goes haywire, then Moscow and finally us - the rest of the Russians!

SZS: We should study Elliott, maybe we can apply it to life too? I remember a sergeant in the army telling me about the pendulum principle - he holds a swinging belt in his hand and shows me, I'm up here, and you are down here - a swinging plaque, and you see with what force the servicemen will fuck who.... It remains to be seen in life who is at the top of this belt and who is at the bottom.
By the way, Alexey, maybe off-topic (maybe it should be in "unrelated to commerce"), but have you ever wondered why it is believed that alien intelligence can respond to coded mathematical patterns?
Here's one alien (from Sirius, I think, right?) denying arithmetic altogether - they have it differently. The other is the golden ratio. Euler's number and Pi, I don't think, are applicable in their realities either.
So, maybe this is the wrong way round and aliens should be identified just the opposite?
CoreWinTT >>:
я в них особо не верю
но после изучения трудов ларри пессавенто
я ваше конкретно зауважал фибы =)
но всеравно особо не верю =)
может я не умею их натягивать???

He does not believe in them himself, he believes that Gartley was a Freemason and had some hidden knowledge, I think there was some hidden knowledge, but not hidden at all, but simply lost its relevance due to the changes in the financial system. Now each of the values on the scale is dynamic in itself, the indexes, on which he sat, at first sight, are saving, but if you remember what they express, then we come back to the relationship. All in all a man of faith.

In principle it is very useful to get in touch with authors after reading their work, in order to find out for yourself what their deductions are based on, and you don't know, maybe you have something to teach the author yourself. Whether or not they are good is another question, most of them lead seminars or have funds, so it is not difficult to write them down, but of course not to start with direct questions, paid seminars are kind of like that :), but with suggestions for improving the methodology, as people deeply interested in the proposals, they contact and much is cleared up. But I must say, there is nothing new and authentic to find out from Larry besides Gartley's biography :) - you better contact Seikota, if you can find him or Paukas - he is not the right person to contact :)

Svinozavr >>:
Так, может, это ошибочный путь, и пришельцев надо выявлять как раз от обратного?

+ hundredths! :)

May 5th and 6th are aggravation days for certain types of people.

And robots.

Richie >>:

В смысле, что виноват "главный компьютер"?
5-6 уже проехали. Следующие дни обострений: 12-13-го мая.

Next aggravations in the aggravation threads )))). Start a branch about phoebes, I wonder what you're getting yourself into again, and you're hypnotising each other all over the place, you need to get to the bottom of things, not jacks and gore.

Why, Richie, did I give you a bad fact? Well, yes, a single fact - but almost exactly at 61.8%!
P.S. Generally speaking, from experience of watching the redhead, who likes to fall in 10 figures and more like that - it is not a mistake of robot or bot community. Nor is it human error (supposedly a Citi trader there tried to sell 16 billion worth of futures instead of 16 million). The index will reach that level anyway, in a calmer way.
The Low of the Dow of 06.05.10 is a kind of a blueprint for its further move, a minimum target, a peek into the future. And the speed of the process only tells us that the Dow has no brakes on a downward move right now. That is what is bad about it: the external stability of the rally from the low of March 2009 to the high before the sharp decline is just an appearance, an illusion of growth. And the crash is right there, waiting...

i.e. phyba's price is only one aspect of its manifestation. we should also keep in mind that phyba's time intervals also follow phyba's rules.

there were plenty of margin calls)))
Statistics are extremely difficult to make. Swannell did it too, but it didn't prove anything. The reason is that he did it too lopsidedly.
Fibs are some kind of complex dynamic grid in the price-time space. I have not yet seen any successful examples of this grid, so it is premature to talk about statistics.
Richie >>:

Хочу статистику, а не десять случаев на тысячу, образно говоря.

and the statistics are banal - the existing economic model of the world is ruled by a handful of people, find on torrents American movies about "Obama's Deception" etc. on the subject, start watching this veiled action, most importantly do not stop searching for similar topics, you will understand a lot, why some countries get closer, then move away, and why we have to go to war to fight, etc.
Mathemat is 100 percent right, because remember last year - who was to blame for the crisis? And look who is to blame this year? Have you ever thought about why the Russian Federation last year shouted about a new trade zone, and now you have not heard anything about the idea?
In general, think why, but not from the point of view of the average man, and not even from the point of view of a person who understands economics, but from the point of view of the illogic of many world trends :)