Ring - page 15

Mathemat писал(а) >>

About equity.

sever29 wrote >>

I want to show equity, but I must be doing something wrong,

Gentlemen, maybe just a screenshot?
I'm curious to see the equity of the "adult cartoon" myself!

To take a screenshot, you need to drop an indicator into the directory of the indices, compile it, and then run it.
Mathemat писал(а) >>
To take a screenshot, you have to drop an indy into the indy directory, compile, and then run it.

>> right... I'm dumb...
i've been having problems with it lately - it's stopped showing anything on both computers (laptop and desktop) - any idea what the problem might be?
Well, we're not telepaths. What does it say in the logs?
Mathemat писал(а) >>
Well, we're not telepathic. What does it say in the logs?

I'll talk to you tonight, okay? It's all on home computers...
Mathemat писал(а) >>
To take a screenshot, you need to drop an indicator into the directory of the indices, compile it, then run it.

entry counting down, as someone here said, on the "adult cartoon" from the white, vertical line"
yeah... 0.01 lot, all buy, 27 pairs. You can see the positive correlation with the eur/bass... oddly enough.

sever29 >>:

Видна положительная корреляция с евра/баксом... как ни странно.

Nothing strange - there will be a positive correlation on one TF or the other with each of the pairs involved, I have checked.
The higher the price - the better for you (you are in the buy position)
And another thing: the higher the pip value, the more evident will be the correlation of the equity chart with the valpara price chart - it is the "share" of the pair in the equity of the order basket

Considerations against the rollover strategy from Martin's perspective and multi-currency trading.

The figure shows an SELL order whose price went above the opening price (single red circle with arrow).
Left picture.: In case of two orders opening in the same direction (or one with double lot) the "point zero" (green line) will be 33% away from the opening price of the double order, which is the price distance between the orders. Let's assume that the decision to open the doubled order was made at a distance of 100 units (pips, dollars, ...) from the opening price of the first order. Then -66 +33*2 = 0, where -66 = loss of the first order, and +33*2 = gain from the second (doubled) order.

Right figure: In case two orders are opened in the other direction (or one with a doubled lot in our case it will be BUY), "point zero" (green line) will be 100% of the opening price of the doubled order from the price distance between the orders. Then we obtain, as in the first case, the "zero point": -200 +2*100=0, where -200= loss on the first erroneous order, and 2*100= profit on the doubled reversed order.
Thus, the probability of losing on a strategy with an over-all strategy is higher than the probability of losing on a reversal strategy. This means "tilting the probability in your favour".

Having the pyramid of orders strengthened against the initial (from the moment of the first order) price movement, the trader literally creates conditions for the fastest possible triggering of the pyramid to zero. In case of a multi-currency approach and the Ring in particular, most of the orders of the minus semicircle will work back. In other words, the price is more likely to be at -33% of the current one than at +100%. The second part, being numerically outnumbered, will most likely make another 100$ movement without having reached the 33% pullback area. It remains to relate their loss to the profitable part of the semicircle... ;)

Eh, where's our Nevermind...
moskitman >>:
Эх, где же наш Неветеран...
A non-veteran in Yalta, cutting partners' hair. He says hello to you.
moskitman >>:
Таким образом, вероятность срабатывания в безубыток стратегии с доливом получается выше вероятности безубытка при переворотной стратегии. Это значит «склонять вероятность в свою пользу».
Well, the odds can be tilted sideways somehow, but what about the overall profit margin in this case?