Ring - page 14

IgorM >>:

значит для Вашей ТС важен правильный вход и не более, т.е. когда кольцо имеет наименьший радиус убытка и собирается расширяться
ЗЫ: Вы вроде писали, что оптимально играть на новостях - наверное это оно

"radius of loss" ... hmm, I'd say "radius of the Ring" - the loss is constant (at least somewhere within a day), well then "area of a semicircle" )))
Anyway, this value will jump and grow back over time, but thanks for the idea of observing the behaviour of the absolute spread value!

I confess I've never read the news - what time in Moscow is this happening?

sever29 >>:
у меня его нет, можете сбросить, и что надо им делать

Right there. It's a script. Just stick it in the scripts, compile it and run it on the account in which these pairs are open.

Or invest in the account, if you don't mind. I'll do it myself and post it here.

moskitman >>:

"радиус убытка" ... хм, я бы сказал "радиус Кольца" - убыток ведь постоянен (по крайней мере где-то в пределах суток), ну тогда уж "площадь полукруга" )))
так или иначе, эта величина будет скачкообразно и возвратно расти со временем, но спасибо за идею понаблюдать за поведением величины абсолютной разбежки!

признаюсь, никогда не читал новостей - во сколько по Москве это происходит?

I have moved away from the news, I do not watch it at all, I am busy only working out entry points - that is the most important thing :)
SZZU: do not get hung up on the spread - I've got rid of it and you have no idea how easy it has become to work - I trade 3-5 pairs at a time, which pairs do not matter, the target (15 pips today) still covers the spread :)
Mathemat писал(а) >>

Right there. It's a script. All you have to do is stick it in the scripts, compile it and run it on the account on which these pairs are open.

Or invest in the account, if you don't mind. I will do it myself and put it here.

Sorry for the delay, I was distracted... I can't give you an investment to the account, because I don't remember the password, it's hard to restore it.
Script kmut, in the logs says:
2010.05.06 14:07:23 Script 'Equity_v7' is an indicator and will not be executed
2010.05.06 14:07:23 Script Equity_v7 EURUSD,H1: loaded successfully
I want to show my equity, but I must be doing something wrong or maybe I'm doing it wrong... In short, here is the detailed report:
you can display the equity on it, right?

as they say: "...and yet it spins!" :)
I think my TS about currency movements is starting to work :)

The target of 15 pips on everything that moves has been reached :), yesterday the target was 10 pips :D
as i told before, the euro is completely unpredictable at the moment - the longest order was waiting for TP, but unfortunately i have absolutely no good entry points, because i can use the indices of MT, but i don't quite understand their meaning :(
here are my snakes :)

blue euro, black yen, by my logic - the more vigorous the snakes are, the more they will return to their axis :) - I had an entry point when the blue and black charts come together too strongly, but this entry point is not correct, because I had to wait another 10 min. and my target in my TS is 15 min = 40 pips :D
moskitman >>:

позвольте авторское имхо... )))
описанный Вами случай - пример использования Кольца на деме в качестве индикатора.
"открыться минимальным лотом по всем" - зачем? осчастливить ДЦ спредами?
Если Вы планируете бомбить рынок "по одной только паре", то нет смысла реально торговать Кольцо.

Торгуя одной парой, мы применяем различные действия (open, close, SL, и т.д. и TP)) к одной паре в различные моменты времени, пытаясь извлечь выгоду.
Горгуя мультивалютом, и Кольцом в частности, я предлагаю испольовать однотипные действия к множеству инструментов в одно и то же время. Применяя однотипные действия к одинаково ведущим себя ордерам я планирую извлекать прибыль не от поведения одной пары, а от состояния сегмента рынка в целом.

That's what I was getting at:) Indeed, giving a spread is silly. But then again, what is the lifetime of the ring? After all, after 24 hours its informativeness will be lost, but that's no reason to use a similar indicator, because of the constancy of the period. Maybe there is a middle ground?
In general, as already written, the topic comes down to the composite index (which for clarity can be normalised to the price range of a particular pair.) This strategy (opening a position in the opposite direction to the deviation from the index) has long been used on the stock exchange. Hence - as you probably know - the expressions "below market", "above market"... "according to the market".
It is possible that in forex such approach will be simpler and more effective than in FX. On forex, you understand that if, for example, oil chips are better than the market, it does not mean that telecoms will then pick up and Lukoil will, say, come back. There the issue of correlation is more acute and its solution seems more complicated than it might be on forex. IMHO, of course. Everything has to be tested.
I follow the experiments with interest!
sever29 >>:

2010.05.06 14:07:23 Script 'Equity_v7' is an indicator and will not be executed
2010.05.06 14:07:23 Script Equity_v7 EURUSD,H1: loaded successfully
Показать эквити желание есть, но наверно что-то не так делаю, а может так... короче вот детализированный отчет:
можно ведь вывести эквити по нему?

About equity on the detailed report - unlikely, it seems to me.

Sorry, sever29, I forgot that it is an indicator. So, of course, it should be placed in the folder of indices and compiled :) Then all at once will come out. Well, set up the display so that the entire chart is displayed in one window.

Svinozavr >>:
если, например, нефтяные фишки лучше рынка, то это не значит, что телекомы потом подтянутся, а Лукойл, скажем, вернется.

Didn't expect myself to understand the humour straight away - thanks a lot! good example, I can see the dependence of my provider's performance on the cost of petrol :D

IgorM писал(а) >>

... Don't get hung up on the spread - I've moved on from that, and you can't imagine how easy it is to work...

I'd love to, but it's important for the Ring, otherwise it would always be chocolate and the Ring would be hanging at zero...

grell wrote >>.
... But then again, what is the lifetime of the ring? After all, after 24 hours its informativeness would be lost, but that's no reason to use a similar indicator, because of the constancy of the period. Maybe there is some middle ground?

I honestly? I don't know! The Expert Advisor is written on MT4, therefore all the experiments are performed on a demo and this is quite a long time. I only know that the shorter is the time from start to breach the shorter will be the time of planned exit to profit.
I should write it on MT5 and run it in the tester...

Svinozavr wrote(a) >>.
...With interest I`m following the experiments!

and you connect! ;)
I use CCFr as a composite index so far, maybe you have something more efficient?