Ring - page 7

IgorM писал(а) >>

All that my method boils down to is that I can tell for sure that a certain currency will have a candlestick, because it got "carried away" and did not pass the mark of say +20% relative to the statistical coefficient. According to my method the only thing you can see when there is a correction as all pairs are "reversed" in percentage terms from + to - and vice versa, i.e. you can see that open orders are not worth closing yet.
My method is now being applied as a trivial scalping method :), because it allows you to easily see which currencies are actively traded and which ones are just flat

can you be more specific? i see the potential for a ring-break in the highlighted area

MetaDriver писал(а) >>

I've already written it off. It's at work. Okay, I'm going to try the page again. Try this link for now. http://stocktime.ru/razrez8.swf Then you can save the page. >> I'm gonna try that.

- I already tried that. It doesn't work offline, the arrows don't go, but the picture is there.

moskitman писал(а) >>

with pleasure, so far I have only virtual equity and councillor opening ring and waiting for positive and negative trades to unbalance

Picked in special branches:) not much, but the dump turned out to be a dump. Note the "posted by Dimon". Let me contact you later for the group movement indicator. You will know better then:)
h101.rar  2358 kb
sever29 писал(а) >>

Picked up in special branches :) not much, but it's a dump. Note the "Posted by Dimon". Let me turn to you later for an indicator of group movement. You will know better then:)

I would like to thank you, but I can't promise to analyze the whole pile, because I am interested only in the indicator that can show the behavior of a given group of currencies in time
Something like virtual_equity, but not per basket, but per order

moskitman >>:

можно подробнее? я вижу в выделенном потенциал для разрыва кольца

Anyway, I'll be frank in this thread :)

more details? what exactly?
If candlesticks - count the statistical coefficient of ticks in the currency/gold, then the current tick is compared to the statistics in the form of deviation in %, and so for all 8 currencies, get a constant movement for all currencies in the form of +5,+10,+7,+12...-20,-22,-18,-20 and so on for each currency, ie will have eight rows of numbers, the centre, however trite, will be a quid, because the gold price you will receive in quid. I better not to calculate in the terminal - productivity is low and quotes are biased between each other - I calculate in a self-written program in Delphi, the quotes are obtained online every 15 seconds.
By these sequences it's clear which currency is the most active, because this one is the fastest to go from - to +. But at the same time, all currencies, except one - I understand it this way, that we see in terminals an active trading session for this currency, all currencies will anyway pass through all marks in sequence (+5,+10,+7,+12...-20,+10,+7,+12...-20,-22,-18,-20), but sometimes, instead of going with all (+5,+10,+7,+12...-20,-22,-18,-20) it will jump to +5,+10, ...-20,-22,-18,-20 and then this currency pair will go through several hours and not immediately.
If we're speaking about scalping - then we definitively choose the slowest currencies and the most active one - make a multicurrency
as for the trading in general, "our famous grabber" mainly traded on the pullbacks, which he learned to predict, why am I writing this - in my numbers I see that usually the trading goes to one or two currencies and the conclusion is quite a significant increase in quotations for a short time, and then some inertial pullback in gold waves, specialists call it Elliott Waves and .....
Richie >>:

- я уже так пробывал. Она в оффлайне не работает, стрелки не ходят, но картинка есть.

Yes, that's what I'm getting now too. (There's a picture, but it's not walking.)

I'll have a look at it tomorrow at work (I downloaded a couple of weeks ago). Maybe they've already redone something there. I think they used to go offline.

IgorM писал(а) >>


more details? what exactly?
If candlesticks - count the statistical coefficient of ticks in the currency/gold, then the current tick is compared to the statistics in the form of deviation in %, and so for all 8 currencies, you get a constant movement for all currencies in the form of +5,+10,+7,+12...-20,-22,-18,-20 and so on for each currency, ie will have eight rows of numbers, the centre, however trite, will be a quid, because the gold price you will receive in quid. I better not to calculate in the terminal - productivity is low and quotes are biased between each other - I calculate in a self-written program in Delphi, the quotes are obtained online every 15 seconds.
By these sequences it's clear which currency is the most active, because this one is the fastest to go from - to +. But at the same time, all currencies, except one - I understand it this way, that we see in terminals an active trading session for this currency, all currencies will anyway pass through all marks in sequence (+5,+10,+7,+12...-20,+10,+7,+12...-20,-22,-18,-20), but sometimes, instead of going with all (+5,+10,+7,+12...-20,-22,-18,-20) it may jump to +5,+10, ...-20,-22,-18,-20 and then this currency pair will go through several hours, and not immediately.
If we're speaking about scalping - then we definitively choose the slowest currencies and the most active one - make a multicurrency
as for the trading in general, "our famous grabber" mainly traded on the pullbacks, which he learned to predict, why am I writing this - in my numbers I see that usually the trading goes to one or two currencies and the conclusion is quite a significant increase in quotations for a short time, and then some inertial pullback in gold waves, specialists call it Elliott Waves and .....

1. Why gold here or are you pipsing it as well?
2. as a % deviation relative to what?
3. Screenshots of currency movements in numbers like in your example.

granit77 >>:
А и не надо. (1) Все перечисленные манипуляции можно произвести с индикатором виртуальной эквити Хирурга.
(2) При балансировке объемов получался стабильный лок с незначительными колебаниями.

1. Mm-hmm. Quite possibly.

2. Well, it's a submarine, isn't it? :)

sever29 >>:

1. Зололото тут зачем или Вы его тоже пипсуете?
2. в виде отклонения в % относительно чего?
3. Скрин апокажите движения валют в цыферках, как в Вашем примере.

read carefully - I have stated point by point, candlesticks pips separately

2. % deviation of the new quote converted to gold at the current moment from the arithmetic average of the same currency price in gold, EURGold/SUMM(EURGold)=%

No matter how you argue, this is also a correlation, but not calculated according to the formulas from Wiki, but just to see which currencies go with the gold and which try to break away from the current rate, periodically you need to reset the reading, as the candlesticks change the picture
I'll add to what I said above, just to sleep on it... :)
When I wrote the program I thought at first I would filter or average ticks, but then I decided it would introduce additional noise, therefore I consider tick values in the program, but for all quotes at once, the differences in quotes appear faster, I have a 500-line table, so I can look back through an hour of program operation what happened