LET'S SAY THAT ... - page 27

Richie >>:

Дмитрий, а вы можете представить, что фигня падает сама с ускорением больше, чем g? Такое возможно, если у фигни нет двигателя?

The thing about any thing on the ground is that it falls with less acceleration than g. )) Stupidly because of atmospheric drag. There is no such thing as an absolute vacuum.

the market as you understand it is completely random? at the opening of the daily bar 1.4000 the eurobucks can reach the level of 1.000 at the end of the day? at the opening of the M5 bar 1.4000 this M5 bar can close at 1.3000?
Demi >>:
рынок в вашем понимании полностью случаен? при открытии дневного бара 1.4000 евробакс может в конце дня достич уровня 1.000? при открытии бара М5 1.4000 этот бар М5 может закрыться на уровне 1.3000?

The market is never random, not knowing how to monitor is another matter, well the guys are striving :)

rumata1984 писал(а) >>

The thing about any thing on the ground is that it falls with less acceleration than g. )) Stupidly because of atmospheric drag. There's no such thing as an absolute vacuum.

I know that, that's why I asked. Think about it: what has to be the stuff for it to fall with more acceleration than g.
Tantrik, don't talk about Jupiter and other planets, I'm only talking about the properties of the stuff.
I'd say the price movement has a random component
Demi >>:
рынок в вашем понимании полностью случаен? при открытии дневного бара 1.4000 евробакс может в конце дня достич уровня 1.000? при открытии бара М5 1.4000 этот бар М5 может закрыться на уровне 1.3000?

Now, this is already interesting to talk to you. Thank you for your question.

As I see it, the market is random in the sense that the only way to accurately predict market behaviour is for all participants to reach a mutual agreement. There is no other way.

Each of the participants, or any group of them individually, will not in principle be able to accurately predict the behaviour of the market.

The limitations you speak of, of course, do exist. But I hope you understand what I mean about the randomness of market behaviour.

Demi >>:
я бы сказал, что движение цены имеет случайную составляющую

I quite agree.

Demi >>:
я бы сказал, что движение цены имеет случайную составляющую

Explain to yourself what the random component is, and I'll do the opposite - I'll tell you about predetermination.

coming back - ALL make the decision to sell. ALL! WHO will buy from them? ALL and WHO?
Ubajal >>:

Обьясните для самого себя в чем случайная составляющая, а я наоборот зделаю - предопределённость расскажу.

the Brownian motion of molecules is a complete analogy
large number of participants, each with its own trajectory (number of open long and short positions), the behaviour of each molecule is strictly consistent, but try to predict their movement in real time