MT5&MQL5 in Linux - page 8

RIV >>:

>> Renat
Ни в коем случае не стоит менять нормально работающий код под виндовс в угоду какому то вайн !!!

I meant "test the program under Wine and correct obvious inconsistencies".

First of all, there will be corrections of GUI compatibility (black fields under icons), windows. We will also check the networking subsystem.
Renat >>:
Я имел в виду "протестируем программу под Wine и поправим явные несоответствия".

В первую очередь будут поправки совместимости графического интерфейса (черные поля под иконками), окна. Также проверим сетевую подсистему.

MetaEditor 5 seems to work fine on Wine

RIV >>:

>> Renat

As already mentioned, Wine == a strict implementation of WinAPI (more formally, it's about properly configured Wine, and Win XP). This means that a program adjusted in Wine will have fewer glitches under Win as well.
However, there are also some nuances. For instance, some functions are not 100% implemented in Wine. So, if in particular the code under Wine is too convenient for the developers to rewrite it for the sake of compatibility, they will face a difficult dilemma...

>> Dali
This is
just nonsense... open Wine forum and watch hundreds of posts about Wine not working or not working right ... the only thing true is that messing with Wine will be a problem for Metakwots ... that's for sure ...

The Wine challenge is to try to make it possible to run Windows programs with unixes in places where Wine itself works fine ... :) ... Half of the Wine code is written by volunteers ... you should complain to them if something goes wrong ... :)

RIV >>:

>> Dali
Бред просто какой то … откройте форум Wine и понаблюдайте сотни постоянных сообщений о том что там что то не работает или работает не так … единственно что верно это то что связываться с Wine будет проблема для Метаквотов … вот это точно …

Задача Wine это постараться сделать так чтобы программы под виндовс можно было запускать по юниксами, причем там где сама Wine нормально работает … :) … половина кода Wine написана добровольцами … вам нужно им пожаловаться что что то не так работает .. :)

You don't have to rely on volunteers. You can trust the professionals. There's a lot to look at.


>> joo
By the way, good point ... before starting a debate one should be more specific about which Wine to talk about ... there are different Wine's... just as there are plenty of different Unixes ... although it won't help anyway ...

RIV >>:

>> Dali
Бред просто какой то … откройте форум Wine и понаблюдайте сотни постоянных сообщений о том что там что то не работает или работает не так …

I'm a heavy user of Wine, if anything :)

Most of the software works. Even some 3D games (not the newest ones). I told you, you need to set up Wine properly (install the required Wine libs, frameworks...). You can use winetricks for that.

Other software is also a work in progress. This is often not very fast. For MT4, progress has been made before my eyes.

When wine is well configured, problems with programs are most often because many developers don't want to consider standards. What works on their computer, with their version, is correct. Many Americans are also unaware of the existence of other countries and languages on their globe of america.

All installed and started sorting out the MT5 problems under Wine.
Renat >>:
Все установили и начали разбор проблем MT5 под Wine.

A lot has been said in this thread for/against MT on Linux, and just for/against Linux. May I ask what and whose arguments led the company to take such a serious step?

joo >>:

В этой ветке было сказано много за/против MT на Linux, и просто за/против Linux. Разрешите полюбопытствовать, какие именно и чьи доводы подвигли компанию на столь серьезный шаг?

"It's time to pick up the stones.

Let's see what can be done. First of all, let's get the interface up and running.