MT5&MQL5 in Linux - page 12

joo >>:

Это плохая манера - доказывать свою точку зрения путем обсирания чужой. Завязывайте с ней.

It wasn't me. It's time itself that has, I'm sorry to say, shat on the linuxoid point of view. For years they've been talking about the Windows killer linux breakthrough. It's funny how market share is 1% and for years they've been screaming about how Linux is promising, it's the killer of Windows. Time is the best judge of that. It has proven that all the hype about Linux is just pure nonsense. And when it comes to trashing, it's the linuxoids ... they maniacally love to trash Windows and the evil MC. At the same time they don't forget to scream about the upcoming death of all Windows, and the beginning of the brightest reign of Linux.
Or is any criticism of the sacred cow of Linux an automatic attack on someone else's point of view? I gave you the facts on his vacuous claims that have been boring the ears off for 10 years now. Quit feeding the tales of Linux's promise, and divinity. Learn from Apple with its Mac ... the guys work quietly ... they do not shout about the revolution, the divinity, and other clownish PR that Linux has. But their market share is much larger than Linux. And they overtook Linux very quickly. While the Linux freaks were feeding tales of super-Linux and its brightest prospects... Mac, without any unnecessary manic PR, has long since shut Linux up by market share. And there's nothing from Linux except claims of impending revolution.
Yes but most importantly, as much as I read they build their policy. Read the post that comrade ... first comes shitting on Windows, then the statement that the Mac will die soon, and for the country reason of old age (Apparently linux dies of youth), and then that's our hope and prospects. Karocho already clowned with these cheap PR. I understand that they shouted for another year or two, and then calmed down, but not for dozens of years. For so many years instead of shouting it would be better to make a normal operating system.
The bickering is not for serious people. In fact, they don't belong here.
As for statistics, there is a joke: There are lies, there are blatant lies, and there are statistics.
Also, a strangely clever American said - if there is some generally accepted and publicly known opinion, it means that someone paid very well.
I have my own statistics. I have 60% linux at home (PC+tablet+router vs Palm+WinCE). In my office (most usual) it's about 10%-20%. And it didn't make it into any official statistics.

I 100% agree that the terminal for the real or even pre-real demo should be spinning on a dedicated wind machine. But as long as I do my research and there is no risk to money, I use my desktop.
E_mc2 >>:

I have a completely neutral attitude to any OS. I believe that everyone should have the freedom to choose the environment in which they work. Point out exactly where I've criticised the windup - you won't find it.

Don't come to this thread again, since you are annoyed by it. If you have concrete suggestions, put them out there. If you don't, just walk away. Once again, stop "shitting..." in the comments, it seems to have become an unhealthy habit.

PS On one of the resources posted in free access 3D model of auto-rubber. In five years it has been downloaded several hundred thousand times. Most people left rave reviews, they liked my work very much. But there were also those who left long posts cursing...

In the next box, there was the same model, but for a fee. Only those who had bought the model could leave comments there. Not a single negative opinion about the work was expressed. That's human psychology - if you've bought it, it means it's good. And even if it's bad, no one will admit that he was foolish to buy a tavar.....

You can't look a gift horse in the mouth. Besides, it is still possible to adapt it to one's own needs.

Joker >>:
Окружение легко доставляется и конфигурируется при помощи winetricks:
Необходимые минимальные опции для MT4 были: vcrun6 (или mfc42) & allfonts (установит все необходимые шрифты)

Эта и другие проблемы уже давно обсуждаются на winehq, но в основном для МТ4:

Thank you, we will configure and check further.

We have joined the Wine bugtracking service and started posting questions and tips from our side:
Noted, thank you!

Bug is confirmed by winehq.

By the way, the position of Maintainer of MT5 AppDB branch is free, if anyone wants it, welcome,
If not, I'll take it...

... winehq turned out to be already working on this problem - BugID 9787 double (respectively, I also redirected a branch with the bug)
Joker >>:
Заметил, спасибо!
For our part, we can help in detail by showing pieces of our code and, if necessary, redo our code or build workarounds (running under Wine we can already detect this).
MQ is finally taking this issue seriously. That's very encouraging and hopeful.
Renat, thank you very much!
mixo_lexus >>:
Кому не нравеццо линукс .. Зачем Вы заходите в ветку форума "
Answer. Personally, I find it aesthetically pleasing to mock our lesser brethren.

In general, linux is obsolete. What is linux? It's a skewered C-code in a kernel, it's methods of work from 30 years ago. Yes, there are some successful solutions, but now a different era is beginning. This era will belong to the great NET. In five or six years, everything will be NET, from web pages to desktop applications.

Well, I'll leave you to it, because I see some serious guys are discussing serious issues here.
C-4 >>:
Отвечаю. Лично мне доставляет эстетическое удовольствие глумится над братьями нашими меньшими.

А вообще линукс морально устарел. Что такое линукс? Это шпагети-С-код в ядре, это методы работы 30 летней давности. Да, кое-какие удачное решения есть, но сейчас начинается другая эра. Эта эра будет принадлежать великой NET. Через пять-шесть лет все будет NET, от страниц в интернете до настольных приложений.

Ладно удаляюсь, смотрю и впрямь здесь серьезные дятьки обсуждают серъезные проблемы.

Personally, I don't enjoy the miserable outlook of our brethren, who are addicted to an aggressive policy of promoting everything that is shallow and soft.

So can you be more specific:

What makes Linux obsolete ?

And most interesting:

What does this "ingenious" Windowshavethat Linuxdoes not ?


And I agree with you, there is a very good chance that "In five or six years everything will be NET, from web pages to desktop applications." And we won't go anywhere, we will be eating those bush legs, thinking it's chicken.

And as for "the great NET" I think you've gone overboard, it's just another attempt to make another Wasik the programming standard, shame if it happens.