MT5&MQL5 in Linux - page 13


Good night gentlemen! Sorry for some silence and non-participation in shaking the air here with deferments and measurements of mouse cable length on Windows & Linux systems )))) - I was "busy" :)

Renat, dear developers from MetaQuotes! Thank you very much for the tip! A little less "thank you" to WineHQ Community. There is no need to look for workarounds for the networking subsystem. Today I finished my "comulative" fixes to current wine tree (1.1.43). Networking subsystem is now up and running and everything else is working too (as far as I had time to check it). Instructions to kickstart MT5 for my colleagues, who use Linux, I'll prepare and post here.

So, congratulations to all Linux users (and of course to myself) with fully functional launch of MT5 under Linux!

P.S.: almost fully functional... Asynchronous sockets in the strategy tester came out...;)

Joker >>:

Доброй ночи господа! Извините за некоторое молчание и неучастие в сотрясании здесь воздуха деферамбами и измерениями длины кабеля мышки у Windows & Linux систем ))) - "делом занимался" :)

Ренат, уважаемые разработчики из MetaQuotes! Большое спасибо за подсказку! Неменее "спасибо" WineHQ Community. Господа разработчики, для обеспечения работоспособности сетевой подсистемы обходные пути искать ненадо. Сегодня закончил свои "комулятивные" исправления в текущее дерево wine (1.1.43). Сетевая подсистема теперь в работе, все остальное (основное) помоему тоже (насколько у меня было времени проверить). Инструкции для кик-старта MT5 для коллег, использующих Linux подготовлю и выложу здесь.

Вобщем поздравляю всех пользователей Linux (себя естественно тоже) с полнофункциональным запуском MT5 в Linux!

Good news, thank you. What about the buttons and icons in the navigator?

joo >>:

Хорошая новость, спасибо. А как насчет кнопок и значков в навигаторе?

I didn't get around to it, and I didn't set myself such a task. In my opinion, this is not a critical defect for business functionality. I think this problem is not in wine kernel at all, but in implementation common dialog components and should be easily enough corrected by replacing it with native comdlg, comctl or something like that. Perhaps this problem has already been solved, but not included in the official project tree\release. Now the main problem (as my own opinion) has been solved, if you allow me to change the priorities for testing/applying MQL5... You may see from the posts in this thread that MetaQuotes is also interested in and dealing with this problem (as well as WineHQ Community). Discussions and solutions of such problems should be discussed in the Wine Bug Tracker, namely in the thread devoted to MT5&MQL5:

Joker >>:

1) Руки не дошли, да и не ставил перед собой такой задачи. По моему мнению это не критический для бизнес-функциональности недочет.


2) ... с Вашего позволения я изменю приоритеты на тестирование\применение MQL5...

1) I agree, not critical.

2) And rightly so. The important thing is that multithreading works, which will reduce the inevitable impact on performance of environment emulation.

Good day!

At least custom build of wine from sources is required to run MT5 on Linux (built from 1.1.43 sources) with patch
New bug detected - strategy tester does not work. MetaQuotes in MT5 started using winsock API extension ws2_35 (asynchronous sockets).
As promised - my wine-1.1.35 source patch to run MT5 (see attachment)
Joker писал(а) >>
As promised - my wine-1.1.35 source patch to run MT5 (see attachment)

>> Well done. >> Respect.

BoraBo писал(а) >>

And the interesting thing is :

What does this "genius "Windows havethat Linuxdoes not ?

Dissemination. Linux 1%, Windows 91%
"10 million lemmings can't be wrong" (c) not mine :)
Dali писал(а) >>
"10 million lemmings can't be wrong" (c) not mine :)

OK - I get it - you're the smartest, but for some reason you're the one with MT5 that doesn't work. And for me, a lemming, it works for some reason.