MT5&MQL5 in Linux - page 14

Strange arguments, adnaka. I have an MT5 that works. On the wind. That's what it's designed for. And soon it will be on linux. And that's a plus for linux.
You are running a linux program on windows?
I want to use linux and I do. I have dozens of programs. They are free. If I wanted to pay for similar ones, I'd go broke. And I don't want to pay for windup. I will pay for the necessary and sufficient set of programmes which will make profit. I'll pay for the windup too.

MT5 on linux is CAPRISE. If I wanted to use (for example) a mobile version of the terminal, I would buy a smartphone instead of begging Metacuts to rewrite the terminal for JavaMe (my phone supports Java). I would not claim that you see, all the phones support java and only some support Windows Mobile. And I wouldn't say that you see, a whole 0.34% use JavaMe - that's only 3 times less than Linux and that's why the meta-quotes should give me a java terminal!

To quote you on your lad - I want to use JavaMe and I do. I have dozens of programs. Free ones. But unlike you, I won't be begging for something.

Itso >>:


Другой вопрос это то, что Линукс - это прежде всего энтусиазм. А энтусиазм ВСЕГДА заканчивается.

Linux is no longer naked enthusiasm. It is supported with both money and code by most of the leading firms. IBM alone voiced a billion quid. It has long been big business. A source of unplanned ideas. All the big developers realise that without him, progress would be much slower. And anyone who ignores it is rapidly approaching ass.

Itso >>:

MT5 под Линукс - это КАПРИЗ. Если мне было необходимо использовать (например) мобильную версию терминала, я купил бы себе смартфон, а не стал бы клянчит у метакутсов что бы они мне переписали терминал для JavaMe (у меня телефон поддерживает джава). Я не стал бы утверждать, что видите ли, все телефоны поддерживают джава и только некоторые - Windows Mobile. И не стану говорит что видите ли, целые 0.34% используют JavaMe - это всего лишь в 3 раза меньше чем Линукс и вот поэтому метакуотсов должны дать мне терминал под джава!

Процитирую вас на своем ладу - я хочу использовать JavaMe и использую. У меня десятки программ. Бесплатные. Но в отличие от вас кляньчить что-то не стану.

You are all very grateful that you did not insist on rewriting Metatrader to java.

Instructions to kickstart MT5 on wine-1.1.42(43...) & Ubuntu 10.04

1. sudo su - (give yourself rights, needed to build-install packages)
2. wget (retrieve the dependencies installation script to build wine)
3. apt-get source wine (actually unloading latest source code)
4. Get the patch (ConnectEx Hack) for Bug 17699
5. Patches /dll/ws2_32/socket.c
6. Build wine from source (I prefer to do it via apt-get --build source wine)
7. Install patched wine

Put MT5 there as standard

The instructions are suitable for any Linux & wine. The key to success is to build from source using the ConnectEx Hack patch from Bug 17699

Joker >>:
Инструкции для кик-старта MT5 под wine-1.1.42(43...) & Ubuntu 10.04
3. apt-get source wine (собственно стягиваем сами последние исходники)
No experience with "apt-get source"... Under Ubuntu 9.10 this command pulls wine-1.0.1.
I should apt-get source wine1.2 then wine-1.1.31. Under U 10.04 (I haven't upgraded yet) will it be 1.1.42?
Will MT5 work under wine-1.1.31?
Yes, but actually "apt-get source wine" pulls the latest wine source from which wine itself is built. You should therefore get the latest source (i.e. 1.1.42).
Under 1.1.31 it will also work, but you should use the latest sources
Is this under U10.04? Under U9.10 it loads the ones I indicated.
Anyway, I tried wine1.2 (1.1.31) under U9.10. I haven't tried the installer. The network is working. The pressed buttons are greyed out and the EAs are not loaded in the tester or on the chart. As written. Waiting for further progress.
Going to upgrade to U10.04 in a couple of weeks. And will try vanilla wine from SVN (wonder if ConnectEx Hack is applied there?).
Dali >>:
Это под U10.04? Под U9.10 загружаются те, что я указал.
В общем я попробовал wine1.2 (1.1.31) под U9.10. Инсталлятор не пробовал. Сеть заработала. Нажатые кнопки серые и эксперты не загружаются ни в тестер, ни на график. Как и писали. Ждём дальнейшего прогресса.
Через пару недель перейду на U10.04. И буду пробовать vanilla wine из SVN (интересно, там применён ConnectEx Hack?)

Compile the experts. Everything works except strategy tester. MT5 at startup (unlike MT4) does not try to compile uncompiled EAs and indicators. ConnextEx hack is not included in the branch because it is Hack.

I am not familiar with Linux and for me the main problem is security issues. I have had servers of quite serious organisations hacked. And in such a way that even linuxoid consiliums could not then understand how it was done :) Personally, I find it easier to secure on the hard disk. If it wasn't for that, I would have put an mt-shka on linux.