MT5&MQL5 in Linux - page 11

Renat >>:
Правим MT5 под Wine 1.1.43 на Ubuntu 9.10:
  • исправлены тулбары в клиенте и редакторе (позиционирование полей и излишняя перерисовка)
  • встроили определение работы под Wine (скорее всего для Wine будут использоваться обходные пути)
  • пока не решены проблемы с отрисовкой альфаканалов (проявляется в виде черного фона у изображений)
  • сеть еще не трогали
Будем дальше по частям исправлять.

Thank you very much for the work done and the work to come.

Good luck!

So, what ? Can I migrate back to my beloved compi to bubuntu ???
BoraBo >>:
Так, что ? Можно обратно на бубунту к любимому компизу мигрировать ???

Wine has such a tough dislike for the AlphaBlend (32 bit colour) feature that this problem has never been solved by them in the past 5 years.

I found my promise to test MetaTrader under Wine 5 years ago!

But work on compatibility with Wine will continue.
Joker >>:
Проблема с отрисовкой альфа-каналов исчезает при запуске приложения с wine в режиме windowsversion=windows 2000

Run MetaEditor under Wine 1.1.43 in Windows 2000 mode and the icons are gone altogether:

Can you help to properly configure the environment? Ubuntu 9.10 is running under VMware ESXi 4.

Found a discussion on problems of running MT4 under Wine -

Apologies, I am still using MT4, running MT5 realised I had reported the wrong information and deleted my post, but you have managed to read it and even replied...
The environment is easily delivered and configured using winetricks:
Required minimum options for MT4 were: vcrun6 (or mfc42) & allfonts (will install all required fonts)

This and other problems have long been discussed on winehq, but mostly for MT4:
Oops. Confirmation from winehq has arrived.

Have finally opened a branch on wine-MT5 :)
SProgrammer >>:

Как весьма компетентный товаришь в вопросах ядра ОС'ов и той и другой (без лишней скромности :) ) скажу так ... Хм, глядя на весь этот странный спор возникает ощущение что активные тут виндусятники просто по сути продвинутые пользователи. Ибо какая разница какая ОС - и та и та хороша. Но МС увы по сути исписалась - в ведущих разработчиках ядра по сути уже одни индусы. И это увы совершенно четкая тенденция и будущее виндов как монопольной ОС уже очевидно что не будет. Ядро МСа перегруженно заплатами. Системная надстройка перегруженна ( мягко сказанно ) всякими нетами, так что уже край. Линукс очень серьезно поддерживает IBM и INTEL, не говоря уже про гугл. Опен офис просто уже песня, все работает отлично. К сожалению МСвскую ОС ждет тоже что и произошло с прошлыми монстрами, они умерли от старости, это ждет и винды, причем закат уже очевиден.
Например убунту мне лично очень понравилась, там главное постараться забыть про коммандную строку, и делеать все через аплеты. А софта сколько под линукс - раз в двадцать больше и разнообразнее чем под винды. А причина в том что линукс делают увлеченные люди а винды увы мотивированные морские свинки . :)

Так что - правильно что делаете для линукса. По идее надо было бы вообще иметь свой код для них - но это понятно что очень накладно и трудно. И особенно под их ГУЙ со своими странными идеологиями - но зато быстрее и проще программировтаь если умеешь как. Там все живет само, надо только на экран вывести. Но спецов мало.

I've been hearing these tales for at least 10 years. It's all the same. MC's gone... Mac's gonna die... Vinda's the best... linux rules. There's no way that's less than ten years old. It's called breakfast. And that's how linux will go, and that's how linux will rule. And now he'll kick ass with MS itself, and they support him, and these cool guys support him...- don't tell tales. I already wrote in the thread. On a trivial query - the share of Linux OS - google gives out as much as 1%. So for 10 years (that's what I remember) as much as 1%? Yes ... what an achievement ... cool linux rules. But the arrogance, feeding the future with promises, and promises of a bright future on Linux at least abound. Simply put, it's a bunch of bullshit. And people are in no hurry to get free Linux. They prefer to pay for WinDa than to use Linux for free. I mean the West, we clearly all on a freebie. The conclusion is obvious - no one needs Linux even for free. They haven't moved on in 10 years. What an oil painting. How bad it is with MS and Mac, and how great it is with Linux. And when you look at it... wow, it's "great" by as much as 1%.
By the way, Mac has increased its market share significantly, I think it's over 5% now. But Linux isn't. Don't you think the main indicator of success of any OS is its user base? Well, linux has a success rate of even 1%. All the rest is just idle talk for at least 10 years. Just like the Komuniks... they're just promising a bright future. When's the boss? We've been waiting for 10 years... but it's still not happening...

It's funny... Googled it... this is what it said... note the data for 2008. Linux has reached a share of 1%. And this is 2009 data. Quote "According to the data presented, Linux reached a share of 1.02% of users in April for the first time ever." And this 2010 "The popularity of Linux among personal computer users rose from 0.98% in February to 1.03% in March."

Which is particularly interesting... The last two quotes are from the same company Net Applications. So it turned out that in comparison to 2009 Linus share in February 2010 even fell!

The same empty talk from year to year. --- Linus Torvalds 2004 is the year of desktop Linux. 2005 will be the year of Linux desktops. 2006 the year of the desktop Linux? 2007 Forester calls desktop Linux a significant threat to Windows. 2008 Year of Linux on the desktop. 2009 Linux Revolution!

I do understand that it's a PR version of OS to the masses...but when you hear that this year we are going to tear apart Windows and that Linux will take over the throne as its rightful lord and it's been going on for years it's a clownery. Go ahead and clown around... 3159 is the year of the desktop Linux?

E_mc2 >>:

It's bad manners to prove a point by shaming someone else's point of view. You should stop doing that.

Who doesn't like linux ... Why come to the forum thread "

MT5&MQL5 on Linux " ???????