MT5&MQL5 in Linux - page 9

BoraBo >>:

И этот человек продвигает сервера Ж)

That's right. Ruslanchik regularly demonstrates his total incompetence in everything (he even has a soapbox router with Linux inside - a "hardware firewall"). It would be very strange if he suddenly made some kind of sensible and sensible judgement.

And MQ is great that they did not be lazy to at least run MT5 under wine. They are probably going to run the championship on Linux servers. =)

By the way, under wine more often there are problems with installation than with program operation, so developers, who care about work under wine, put zip-file next to installer.
Otherwise, I install the program under wine and copy the directory where it should be. It works fine with MT4, it does not use registry.
wise >>:

Все правильно. Русланчик регулярно и во всем демонстрирует свою тотальную некомпетенцию (у него даже роутер-мыльница с Linux внутри -- "аппаратный фаервол"). Было бы очень странно, если он вдруг высказал какое-то дельное и толкое суждение.

А MQ -- молодцы, что не поленились хотя бы под wine позапускать MT5. Наверное, сами собираются проводить чемпионат на Linux серверах. =)

And I "even have a soapbox router with Linux inside -- "a hardware firewall" and so what???
It seems to me that people who say anything just to say something out of tune with everyone else are just being a bit unreasonable.
Thank the developers for listening to our opinions and try to implement our wishes as much as possible.
And just say (figuratively speaking) "You're jerks" is pork.

>> Renat

You need to explicitly specify what you're testing for ... i.e. producer and Wine version and which unix version ... as there are many different versions and it's far from certain that if it works on one, it will also work on the other ...

And if another active Unix user comes along who tries some new implementation of something "by Petya" and decides it's super cool and better than what was before and floods all the forums with his message about this most popular in their vicinity operating system ... then it will be clear where to send him and what he will need to switch to to get MT working ... :)

In general it is, you could say, fitting into a black box ... and no guarantee that the new version of what has already been done will work ... and most importantly that this work does not affect the operation of the terminal under the winds !!. ....

>> wise

Your dormancy knows no bounds ... :)

Using unix as an external firewall has long been, to put it mildly, a very weak solution ... A relic of the past is no more than that ...

For example, Dlink and Cisco have been developing their network operating systems for hardware firewalls for their hardware and show results which are beyond unix' dreams ... they even have separate chips for parallel key calculation... unix is not there ... ridiculous...

It's not about the firewall... It's just a matter of basic respect for each other... Saying I'm cooler... is also stupid...
the one with the fastest account growth is the cooler one, and the rest is empty talk. It just can't be otherwise.
Renat >>:

"Время собирать камни".

Посмотрим, что можно сделать. В первую очередь приведем в чувство интерфейс.

Good afternoon!

The weird thing is that your installer is using the standard NetAPI winsock API. For this reason MT4 & MT5 installer work fine, but MT5 uses a new stub DLL (winsock API functionality). Running it in debug mode has clearly indicated the absence of winsock:WSAIoctl SIO_GET_EXTENSION_FUNCTION_POINTER {25a207b9-ddf3-4660-8ee9-76e58c74063e}: stub is in wine API. The problem is definitely not in MT5, but in Wine API. At the same time it would be useful to see what new things are used in winsock. According to winehq reports, winsock API is 100% RALED.

Please, no insults.
By the way, gentlemen. I've found a very important difference between MQL4 & MQL5 Editor's under Wine. CodeCompletion in MQL5 Editor works perfectly!!! :)

As a very competent fellow in OS kernel issues of both (without too much modesty :) ) I will say this ... Hm, looking at all this strange argument one gets the feeling that the active Windows users here are just essentially advanced users. For what difference which OS - both are good. But alas MS is basically out of the woods - the leading kernel developers are essentially the only Indians. Alas, this is a very clear trend and the future of Windows as a monopoly OS is obviously not going to be. The MS kernel is overloaded with patches. The system architecture is (to put it mildly) overloaded with nets and it is too much. Linux is very heavily supported by IBM and INTEL, not to mention Google. Open Office is already a song, everything works perfectly. Unfortunately the same thing is awaiting MSW as it happened to the previous monsters, they died of old age, the same is true for the winndows and the decline is already evident.
For example I personally like Ubuntu very much, the main thing there is to forget about the command line and to do everything through applets. And Linux has twenty times more different software than Windows. The reason is that Linux is created by enthusiastic people and the Windows alas motivated guinea pigs. :)

So you're right about linux. The idea would be to have their own code for them in general - but it is clear that it is very expensive and difficult. Especially in their GUI with its strange ideologies - but it's faster and easier to program if you know how. Everything lives there by itself, you just have to display it on the screen. But there are few experts.

SProgrammer >>:


... I am glad to see an adequate opinion, but there is no need to add fuel to the fire. We just try to run MT5 on Linux and there is only one small but important step left for this - either fix wine with a missing stub, or ask MetaQuotes to use only standard winsock API. Theoretically, I can't even imagine what cardinal winsock extensions could be necessary for functionality of MT5 network subsystem and why it became non-operational under wine unlike MT4.

If previously for example VC++ from VS6.0 was used for build and now VC++ from DotNET, everything is clear. In latest mailings of standard MSDN libraries Microsoft intentionally began to build the standard libraries with extensions (which are not used, but are called aka "just for fun"), which are not in wine. They do it on purpose, because the migration processes (1C, etc) to non-Windows systems are so widespread that they just struggle with it. This is just a guess, I could be wrong.