MT5&MQL5 in Linux - page 6

Joker >>:
Кто в winehq закомитит багтрак по сабжу? или мне это сделать?
Тестер метаквот обещал - получили, давайте уже доведем МТ5 до нормального кросплатформенного запуска, думаю я не единственный кто критические вещи под виндовс не запускает...

They don't seem to have announced cross-platform anywhere, so it's unlikely to work out.

I would really, really like to get a clean version of MT for Linux. It would be a great value for the developers.
I hope I'm not the only one who thinks so...
And arguments about what is better than Win or Lin is that...
Debugger >>:
Очень и очень бы хотелось получить чистый вариант MT под Linux. За это разработчикам просто цены бы не было.
Надеюсь не я один так думаю...
А споры про то что лучше Win или Lin это то...


rensbit >>:



SofTAA >>:

Они вроде нигде не заявляли кроссплатформенность, так что из этой затеи вряд ли что то получится.

So we will help you sharpen not "Mohammed under the mountain", but "Mohammed under the mountain" :)

Sent a bugraQ and a request to open a branch in AppDB...

Uh-huh. And we're not billionaires because there's no MT on Linux. Here we have it all - the grail, the start-up capital of 10 quid, but it's all screwed up by bloody wine!
If you're poor and have one machine that you do everything on, and it's on Linux, what's there to talk about? What about the self-help fund?
So what are your utilitarian arguments under the REAL, even the noose, need to have MT under Linux, eh? What are they?
What would be more reliable? I assure you that if you allocate for trade a separate machine (a netbook for 3 rubles, for example), which has a clean, minimally sufficient installation of Windows, where the firewall is configured only for the ip addresses of trade servers, then there is no problem.
Well, if you have one machine with your favorite Linux, calculating videos, surfing the web, optimizing ..... trading at the same time, there's NOTHING you can do about it. Idiocy is incurable.
... Idiocy is incurable.

Absolutely agree ))))

I have a habit of keeping "flies from cutlets", entertainment from work, etc... Two and a half years of successful and stable flight of MT4 on my own VPS resources (which I wish you), and just have an irreversible desire to have MT5 in the same platform. Despite your nihilism of other people's opinions, I have my own opinion, which I don't impose on anyone.

Request for opening an AppDB branch from CodWeaver sent :)

I also ran mt4 on Ubuntu 9.10 only it required a library, but here on the forum, somewhere I found how to find the library... And so in principle everything worked perfectly...........
What makes you think of nihilism? They found Mephistopheles. ("I am a spirit, always accustomed to denial..." )))))))).
That MT5 SHOULD work correctly under wine, no one disputes that. But the requirement (knife to the throat) to move the code is not serious.
If you have EA(s) hosted remotely, it's the same story as with MT4. As I said, no one is denying the desirability of working correctly under wine.
Svinozavr >>:
С чего вы взяли про нигилизм? Тоже мне, нашли Мефистофеля. ("Я дух, всегда привыкший отрицать..."))))))))
То, что МТ5 ДОЛЖЕН корректно работать под wine, с этим никто не спорит. Но требование (нож к горлу) перенести код - не серьезное.
Если у вас советник(и) размещены удаленно, то та же история, что и с МТ4. Как уже сказал, желательность корректной работы под wine никто не отрицает.

I've stopped understanding you, "what knife?! what throat?!" %)))

Hurry up and take a rest! :)