Does the Grail exist? - page 155

moskitman писал(а) >>

I know. That's why it's not a grail.

Once MT4 becomes officially the main terminal on the NYSE and other exchanges with the unconditional ability to open an account with a starting threshold of $1000, it will be a grail. :-)


And they will abolish the concept of liquidity. :-), and other little things like seizure of accounts on suspicion of collusion....

FantasYGold писал(а) >>

... Forget about the Grail, nobody needs it, the main thing is $ and %.

Somewhere like this. Although for me personally, the grail is a stable mid-European affluence without my active involvement in getting it.

Trut >>:

Где-то так. Хотя для меня лично, грааль это стабильный среднеевропейский достаток без активного моего участия в его получении.

Ah, well done! That's apt!
Okay. It's a deal. The grail is a freebie. Very nice, clear to everyone and, most importantly, nothing to argue about...)))
FantasYGold >>:
Молодцы ребята. Пишите все подряд, что на ум..Соберите вместе все свои мысли, может 2 грааль получитья)Ладно удачи еще раз всем, я отдыхать. До встречи (След пари в понедельник начнется реал 100$>10к)

Mocking, you prick... ))

denis_orlov писал(а) >>

Mocking, you bastard...

has a right:)
Svinozavr >>:
ок. Договорились. Грааль - это халява. Очень мило, всем понятно и, главное, спорить уже не о чем...)))

Every miracle is a freebie, from the carpetbagger to the kitchen tablecloth to the magic wand. But not every freebie is a miracle :-0))
Isn't the grail a miracle? It's a miracle bank account, with interest in an amount not causing irritation in the wife (outside of critical days, of course),
Impressive show, no words.

If something like that happened on a real account, i.e. if a certain gentleman raised his deposit from 1 000 quid to 50 000 in 3 weeks with special cynicism... how would the brokerage house react to it?

1. Would the brokerage company use any special "measures"? ... would it have used any special "measures"?
2. If the answer to 2 is "yes", what do such measures look like?

ps: FantasYGold, I haven't seen this before. Bravo!

There have been such mishaps. And nothing.

Trut >>:

Очень может быть, что ей не повезло (или напротив - повезло:-)). Не вижу причин сомневаться. Но поезд ходит по расписанию. Хотя... параметры фантастического демо не секрет. Кто ей мешает с инвест паролем сделать, хотя бы, то же самое по сумме и по срокам?

Breathe unevenly. Breathe even more unevenly :))

The story is well known in small circles. In 2008, Bookkeeper and Helen had an argument. Andrei claimed that it was unlikely that Helen would be able to raise the bonus account of $30. The account was opened on 2008.10.21. In ten working days the account was raised 43 times. Up to 1,300 with a tail. And this on very dangerous volatility, when deposits were lost like seeds. Then the DC started killing the account. As published here Realised that the DC was offended to death and withdrew the money. The account was lying around somewhere on Onyx. I will post the account on my site if it is interesting. If it is interesting, I will publish the statement on my site.)

I will answer at once. I have already asked questions. I am not an adviser.

Who prevents the demo prodigies from repeating the ten-day rise in real money by more than 43 times? Even the demo has not yet succeeded :) I sincerely wish that it would be even better. And I wish it even better on the reals.