Does the Grail exist? - page 154

sever29 >>:

а что Хелен слилась?!

I mean, she didn't dump the depot, but she did, reading a lot about morality, honour, conscience, etc.
and I personally agree with her on most things
and then she backed out.
At any rate, she could have scribbled a few words.
Mischek >>:

Ну в смысле не депо слила а сама, долго читала про мораль, про честь, совесть и дрдр
и лично я с ней почти во всем согласен
а потом слилась
во всяком случает могла бы чиркнуть пару слов

It's a bit of a trick, isn't it? )) and it's gone after a big drawdown.

Mischek >>:

Ну в смысле не депо слила а сама, долго читала про мораль, про честь, совесть и дрдр
и лично я с ней почти во всем согласен
а потом слилась
во всяком случает могла бы чиркнуть пару слов

I'll give you a private 'scribble'. Write back here whether she has dropped out for serious reasons.
neoclassic >>:

Вообще прикол конечно, да )) причем слилась после большой просадки

You are lying.
Iv... писал(а) >>

You are lying.

Interesting. An admin who can't read redoubtable emoticons.

After all, if Helen's site didn't have suspicious moves, no one would be poking fun and cheering like Brazilians at a football game now. And excuses from the 19th century in the style of "Whose fault is it?" are of no use to anyone. It does not matter who was wrong. What is important is that there is no trust.

You may be offended :-))) I just need water at the dacha :-)))

moskitman >>:

а торговать так ВСЮ ОСТАВШУЮСЯ ЖИЗЬ возможно???

Are we talking about betting or "pro-life"? Don't quibble! ))) You've said something yourself about something wrong with compliance. Now you're diverting the conversation. No way!!!)) // just kidding )))

I've already made my point as a trader about life - in my opinion, no, it's not possible.

moskitman писал(а) >>

and trading like this for the rest of your life is possible???

Because you don't know the answer! :-)
Elena really didn't have a chance to continue due to circumstances beyond her control
Hopefully she will turn up soon and kick the ass of any willing grailers
Mischek писал(а) >>
Elena really didn't get a chance to continue due to circumstances beyond her control
Hopefully she'll show up soon and kick the ass of any willing grailers

It's very possible that she was unlucky (or vice versa:-)). I see no reason to doubt it. But the train is running on schedule. Although... The parameters of a fantastic demo are no secret. Who is stopping her from doing at least the same thing in terms of amount and timing with theвест password?
Trut >>:

А то ты не знаешь ответ! :-)

I know. That's why it's not a grail.